Phylogenetic Linear Regression
Multi-task learning for ancestral state estimation.
Log likelihood of an one-dimensional Ornstein-Uhlenbeck model
Methods for class 'OUshifts'.
Detections of shifts in the OU process along a phylogeny.
Methods for class 'phyloglm'.
Phylogenetic Generalized Linear Model
Stepwise model selection for Phylogenetic Generalized Linear Model
Methods for class 'phylolm'.
Phylogenetic Linear Regression
Phylogenetic Linear Model
Stepwise model selection for Phylogenetic Linear Model
Calculates internal node ages in an ultrametric "pruningwise" tree
Calculates node distance from the root in an "pruningwise" tree
Binary trait simulation
Continuous trait simulation
Fits a population tree to data from quartet concordance factors
Tests the fit of a population tree to quartet concordance factor data
data structure preparation for testing a population tree
Computations with a (generalized) three-point structured tree
Creates a tree with branch lengths to represent the 3-point structure ...
Provides functions for fitting phylogenetic linear models and phylogenetic generalized linear models. The computation uses an algorithm that is linear in the number of tips in the tree. The package also provides functions for simulating continuous or binary traits along the tree. Other tools include functions to test the adequacy of a population tree.