pleio_results: pleio_class object returned by pleioR().
loop_breaker: numeric value for a maximum p-value used to stop the sequence if a higher p-value is obtained. This saves computation time if there are many tests to perform.
save_at: character with directory and/or file name (.rdata) to save the results. This is useful when handling multiple results such as in parallel jobs.
contrast_matrices_list: user-specified contrast matrices within a list of lists, or a single contrast matrix (see example). Each matrix must have the same number of columns, and must be equal to the number of traits.
list of p-values, indices, and trait numeric identifier.
# Example of user-specified contrast matrices with 3 traitscm1 <- matrix(c(-1,0,1), ncol =3)cm2 <- matrix(c(0,-1,1), ncol =3)contrast_matrices <- list('1vs3'= list(cm1),'2vs3'= list(cm2))# or a single contrast matrix as:contrast_matrices <- cm1