Explore Your Data with Interactive Figures
Add a barplot to a scene or schema
Add a mirrored barplot to a scene or schema
Add a fluctuation diagram to a scene or schema
Add a histogram to a scene or schema
Add a 2D histogram to a scene or schema
Add a parallel coordinates plot to a scene or schema
Add a plot to a scene or schema
Add a scatterplot to a scene or schema
Assign cases to a group
Get assigned cases
Set interactive scene layout
Create a plotscaper
Dispatches a message to a plotscaper scene or schema
Return a list of plot ids from a plotscaper scene or schema
Get a plot scale
Plot id
Normalize a plot
A Plotscaper Global Configuration Object
Shiny bindings for plotscaper
Remove the last plot from a scene or schema
Create a reducer
Remove specific plot from a scene or schema
Render a schema into an interactive scene
Reset a scene or schema
Select cases of the data
Get selected cases
Set interactive scene layout
Set reactive parameters
Set values of a scale
Start a server for communication between the R session and `plostcaper...
Zoom into an area of a plot
A framework for creating interactive figures for data exploration. All plots are automatically linked and support several kinds of interactive features, including selection, zooming, panning, and parameter manipulation. The figures can be interacted with either manually, using a mouse and a keyboard, or by running code from inside an active R session.
Useful links