breaks_blq_general function

Generate breaks for measurements below the limit of quantification

Generate breaks for measurements below the limit of quantification

Breaks that are < lloq are removed. If the lowest break is removed if it is too close to the lloq.

breaks_blq_general(lloq, breakfun, trans = identity, ...)


  • lloq: The value of the lower limit of quantification as a numeric scalar

  • breakfun: The function used for normal scale breaks if the lloq

    were not present.

  • trans: A parameter translation function (typically either identity for linear scale or log for log scale).

  • ...: passed as breakfun(n=n, ...)


A function for calculating breaks with arguments x and n


For ggplot2 scales. This is not usually used directly. See blq_trans() and blq_log10_trans() for the functions that are more commonly used.


breaks_blq_general(lloq=3, breakfun=scales::breaks_extended)(1:100, n=5)

See Also

Other BLQ Transformation: blq_trans(), estimate_lloq(), ftrans_blq_linear(), itrans_blq_linear(), label_blq()

  • Maintainer: Justin Wilkins
  • License: GPL-2
  • Last published: 2023-02-21