R Interface to PXWEB APIs
Assert that x is a correct pxweb_data_jsonstat
object. Assert a json...
Assert that x is a correct pxweb_database_list
Assert a pxweb_input_allowed
Assert that x is a correct pxweb_levels
Assert that x is a correct pxweb_metadata
Assert a pxweb_query object
Assert that the rda_file_path is correct
Assert that the url structure is correct
Assert that a given pxweb query can be split
Build the url to get the config from a PXWEB api
Build or get the tmp_rda_file_path from an url or pxweb_api_s3 object
Build the url to a PXWEB api
Generate batch permutations
Check if a response is a pxweb config response
Parse a character string or throws error if it fails
Generate permutations of dimensions to find optimal no of batches
Print a catalogue entry
Convert a pxweb data objects values to valuetext
Defines allowed input for a position in a pxweb_explorer
or characte...
Move in the pxweb_explorer
Get the url to a table
Handle a user input for a pxweb_explorer
Get (allowed) inputs for a pxweb_input_allowed
Ask to download and download data
Get and set pxe_metadata_coices
Get the meta data variable names from a pxweb_explorer
How many choices has the current position?
Is the current position an api_catalogue position?
Is the current position a full query (i.e. choices for all metadata va...
Is the current position a metadata object?
Are multiple choices allowed?
Get the table title for the current position
Can the variable at the current position be eliminated?
Print code to download query
Return the pxweb object at the current position
Interface to PX-WEB APIs from R
Add default values to pxe
Defunct functions
Assert that x is a correct pxweb_database_list
Assert that the url structure is correct
Assert a pxweb_api_catalogue
Assert that the rda_file_path is correct
Assert that the config slot is correct
Assert that x is a correct pxweb_data
Assert that x is a correct pxweb_data_comments
S3 constructor for pxweb
api object.
Add the subpath slot to a pxweb path slot
Add an api call to a pxweb_api_s3 object
Add the config slot to a pxweb object
Add mandatory variables to query
Add and remove metadata to query
Do a GET call to PXWEB API for advanced users
Get the PXWEB API catalogue
Constructor for pxweb_api_catalogue_entry
Get the api name, rootpath, subpath, path or dbpath
Coerce a pxweb_data
object to a data.frame
Convert object to json
Combine pxweb objects
Cite a PXWEB data object
Clear cache of all (or one) pxweb
Construct a pxweb_data
Combine pxweb objects
Get query filter
Construct a pxweb_data_comment
Construct a pxweb_data_comments
Compute the dimension of the query pxweb_data
Construct a pxweb_data_jsonstat
Construct a pxweb_database_list
Create a pxweb_explorer
Fix url characters
Do a GET call to PXWEB API
Build api test data.frame
Do a GET call to PXWEB API and return a data.frame
Setup a structure to log all API calls
Find and download data interactively from a PXWEB API
Get input from user
Construct a pxweb_levels
Construct a pxweb_metadata
Add values to NULL value variables in PXWEB metadata objects
Compue the dimension of a metadata object
Get boolean vector
Get boolean vector
Parse the response from a PXWEB API (advanced)
Create a PXWEB query
Convert a pxweb_query
object to a json
Print a pxweb_query
object as R code
Compue the dimension of the query
Get vector indicating splittable variables
Get query values
Get query filter
Split query in optimal sub-queries
Setup temorary directory for the pxweb
Test a full or a part of a PXWEB api.
Create all paths from a list of pxweb_api_catalogue entries
Test time limit object
Validate a pxweb_query
with a pxweb_metadata
Save and load pxweb
objects from R temp folder
Split variables into chunks
Pad a string to a fixed size
Taken from trimws
for reasons of compatibility with previous R versi...
Generic interface for the PX-Web/PC-Axis API. The PX-Web/PC-Axis API is used by organizations such as Statistics Sweden and Statistics Finland to disseminate data. The R package can interact with all PX-Web/PC-Axis APIs to fetch information about the data hierarchy, extract metadata and extract and parse statistics to R data.frame format. PX-Web is a solution to disseminate PC-Axis data files in dynamic tables on the web. Since 2013 PX-Web contains an API to disseminate PC-Axis files.
Useful links