Multivariate Polynomials with Rational Coefficients
Get a coefficient in a 'qspray' polynomial
Get the constant term of a 'qspray' polynomial
Make a 'qspray' object
The null 'qspray' polynomial
Random 'qspray'
Print a monomial
Check symmetry of a polynomial
Whether a 'qspray' is univariate
Leading coefficient of a 'qspray' polynomial
Leading term of a 'qspray' polynomial
Monomial symmetric function
Polynomial variable
The unit 'qspray' polynomial
(internal) Make a 'qspray' object from a list
Unary operators for qspray objects
Division of two polynomials
Multivariate polynomial as function
Coercion to a 'qspray' object
Evaluate a 'qspray' object
Change of variables in a 'qspray' polynomial
Characteristic polynomial
Whether two 'qspray' polynomials are collinear
Compact symmetric qspray
Compose 'qspray' polynomials
Complete homogeneous symmetric function
Partial derivative
Partial differentiation
Elementary symmetric polynomial
Whether a 'qspray' polynomial is null
Gröbner basis
Hall inner product
Implicitization with Gröbner bases
Integral of a multivariate polynomial over a simplex
Variables involved in a 'qspray' polynomial
Whether a 'qspray' polynomial is constant
Whether a 'qspray' polynomial is homogeneous
Whether a 'qspray' is a polynomial of some given 'qsprays'
Whether a 'qspray' polynomial is the unit polynomial
Symmetric polynomial in terms of the monomial symmetric polynomials
Number of terms in a 'qspray' polynomial
Number of variables in a 'qspray' polynomial
Ordered 'qspray'
Permute variables
Pretty polynomial
Power sum polynomial
Symmetric polynomial as a linear combination of some power sum polynom...
Symmetric polynomial in terms of the power sum polynomials
Division of a qspray polynomial
Print a monomial
Print a monomial
Print a 'qspray' object
Set a show option to a 'qspray' object
Print a 'qspray' object
Print a polynomial
Substitutions in a 'qspray' polynomial
Swap variables
Symbolic calculation and evaluation of multivariate polynomials with rational coefficients. This package is strongly inspired by the 'spray' package. It provides a function to compute Gröbner bases (reference <doi:10.1007/978-3-319-16721-3>). It also includes some features for symmetric polynomials, such as the Hall inner product. The header file of the C++ code can be used by other packages. It provides the templated class 'Qspray' that can be used to represent and to deal with multivariate polynomials with another type of coefficients.