Download distribution history data for a distribution from Qualtrics
Download distribution history data for a distribution from Qualtrics
distributionID: String. Unique distribution ID for the distribution history you want to download.
If the request to the Qualtrics API made by this function fails, the request will be retried. If you see these failures on a 500 error (such as a 504 error) be patient while the request is retried; it will typically succeed on retrying. If you see other types of errors, retrying is unlikely to help.
## Not run:# Register your Qualtrics credentials if you haven't alreadyqualtrics_api_credentials( api_key ="<YOUR-API-KEY>", base_url ="<YOUR-BASE-URL>")surveys <- all_surveys()distributions <- fetch_distributions(surveys$id[1])distribution_history <- fetch_distribution_history(distributions$id[1])## End(Not run)