Download 'Qualtrics' Survey Data
Monitor progress from response request download, then obtain file down...
Runs 3-part request to export-responses endpoint, downloading and unzi...
Initiate a request to the export-responses API endpoint
Generate URL for specific API query by type and (if appropriate) ID
Set proper data types on survey data.
Check if httr GET result contains a warning
Checking and re-formatting base_url:
col_types must be a col_spec object from readr
Check conditions around combinations of convert, label, and breakout_s...
Retrieve a data frame of all mailing lists from Qualtrics
Retrieve a data frame of all active surveys on Qualtrics
General check that credentials are present
Check if downloaded file already exists
Title Check date-time-like inputs and convert them to ISO8601 (with ti...
Check if elements given in fetch_description are properly specified
Check if data for fetch_id() is correct
Check if survey file specified in file_name exists
Check if elements given in metadata's 'get' are properly specified
Check include_embedded and format for API call:
Check that include_metadata has the right elements & format for API ca...
Check that include_questions uses the QID format, and format for API c...
Is boolean (length-1 logical)
Is character vector with no missing values:
Is integerish (length-1 numeric w/o any fractional component)
Is string (length-1 character)
Check limit for being integer >= 1:
Check if the temporary directory exists:
Checks time zone, setting default if needed:
Retrieve a data frame containing survey column mapping
Construct a header to send to Qualtrics API
Create properly-formatted JSON payload for API calls. Removes NULLS
Downloads response data from location obtained from fetch_survey_progr...
Extract column map from survey data download
Download complete survey description using the Qualtrics v3 "Get Surve...
Download distribution history data for a distribution from Qualtrics
Download distribution data for a survey from Qualtrics
Fetch a unique Qualtrics survey ID based on survey name in the Qualtri...
Download a mailing list from Qualtrics
Download a survey and import it into R
Download distribution links for a distribution from Qualtrics
Download metadata for a survey
Install Qualtrics credentials in your .Renviron
file for repeated us...
Send httr requests to Qualtrics API
Checks responses against Qualtrics response codes and returns error me...
Read a CSV file exported from Qualtrics
Retrieve a data frame containing question IDs and labels
Convert multiple choice questions to ordered factors
Provides functions to access survey results directly into R using the 'Qualtrics' API. 'Qualtrics' <> is an online survey and data collection software platform. See <> for more information about the 'Qualtrics' API. This package is community-maintained and is not officially supported by 'Qualtrics'.
Useful links