Revealed Preferences and Microeconomic Rationality
Non-parametric tests of rationality axioms (WARP, SARP, GARP).
Lower bound on the number of GARP-consistent subpopulations.
Upper bound on the number of GARP-consistent subpopulations and cluste...
Compute direct and indirect revealed preferences.
Generate random data consistent with rationality axioms (WARP, SARP, G...
Generate random data according to a given matrix of direct preferences...
Computation of (direct and indirect) revealed preferences, fast non-parametric tests of rationality axioms (WARP, SARP, GARP), simulation of axiom-consistent data, and detection of axiom-consistent subpopulations. Rationality tests follow Varian (1982) <doi:10.2307/1912771>, axiom-consistent subpopulations follow Crawford and Pendakur (2012) <doi:10.1111/j.1468-0297.2012.02545.x>.