Modern Classes for Tracking and Movement Data
Calculates step metrics including distance, dt, dx, and dy.
recalculate step geometry
Summarize sftrack objects
Return a list of sf_POINTS or a data.frame from a sftraj object
Which grouping/time stamp combos are duplicated.
Access the active_group value
Set new active group
Convert objects into sftrack objects.
Convert objects into sftrack objects.
Calculate a new sort index for groups
Check there is a grouping id present
Are group names equivalent for each s_group?
Check if coordinates contain NAs in some columns but not others
Check there are no NAs in burst
Check if a set of column names are found in a data frame and return an...
Checks if grouping is ordered by time and then outputs the correct ord...
Check if time is regular for each burst and returns logical for each b...
Check if time is integer or posix
check that time is unique
fix 0's to NAs in latitude and longitude
Function to plot sftrack objects in ggplot
Shows grouping labels created from the s_group and the c_grouping
Display the levels of the sort index
A class to group movement data
Is a trajectory geometry a linestring or a point
Calculate step geometries given a set of groupings, time, and geometri...
Merge connected lines and create an sf object
Define an sftrack
Define an sftraj
Methods for plotting sftrack/sftraj
Print methods for sftrack
Print methods for sftraj
Modern classes for tracking and movement data, building on 'sf' spatial infrastructure, and early theoretical work from Turchin (1998, ISBN: 9780878938476), and Calenge et al. (2009) <doi:10.1016/j.ecoinf.2008.10.002>. Tracking data are series of locations with at least 2-dimensional spatial coordinates (x,y), a time index (t), and individual identification (id) of the object being monitored; movement data are made of trajectories, i.e. the line representation of the path, composed by steps (the straight-line segments connecting successive locations). 'sftrack' is designed to handle movement of both living organisms and inanimate objects.
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