QTL Mapping for Multi Parent Populations
cofactor selection based on the QTL windowsize
IBD calculation for multi parental populations
Create an object of class gDataMPP
Create a matrix plot
Compute kinship matrix for IBD probabilities
Create a plot with effect sizes
Plot function for the class gDataMPP
Plot function for the class QTLMPP
Print summary of object of class summary.QTLMPP
one position fitted in the mixed model
Read IBD probabilities
one-round genome scan with specified cofactor(s)
Multi round genome scans for QTL detection
statgenMPP: QTL Mapping for Multi Parent Populations
Summary function for the class gDataMPP
Summary function for the class QTLMPP
For Multi Parent Populations (MPP) Identity By Descend (IBD) probabilities are computed using Hidden Markov Models. These probabilities are then used in a mixed model approach for QTL Mapping as described in Li et al. (<doi:10.1007/s00122-021-03919-7>).
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