Landscape Visualizations in R and 'Unity'
terrainr: Landscape Visualizations in R and 'Unity'
S4 class for bounding boxes in the format expected by terrainr
Construct a terrainr_bounding_box object
S4 class for coordinate points in the format expected by terrainr
Construct a terrainr_coordinate_pair object.
Transform rasters and write manifest file for import into Unity
Turn spatial vector data into an image overlay
Add a uniform buffer around a bounding box for geographic coordinates
Extract latitude and longitude from a provided object
Combine multiple image overlays into a single file
Convert decimal degrees to radians
Plot RGB rasters in ggplot2
Georeference image overlays based on a reference raster
Get the great-circle centroid for latitude/longitude data
A user-friendly way to get USGS National Map data tiles for an area
Hit the USGS 3DEP API and retrieve an elevation heightmap
Initialize terrain inside of a Unity project.
Merge multiple raster files into a single raster
Find latitude and longitude for a certain distance and azimuth from a ...
Convert radians to degrees
Crop a raster and convert the output tiles into new formats.
Functions for the retrieval, manipulation, and visualization of 'geospatial' data, with an aim towards producing '3D' landscape visualizations in the 'Unity' '3D' rendering engine. Functions are also provided for retrieving elevation data and base map tiles from the 'USGS' National Map <>.
Useful links