Weighted, Two-Mode, and Longitudinal Networks Analysis
Add smoothing window to a longitudinal network
Transform a longitudinal network to a static edgelist network
Ensures that networks conform to the tnet stardards
Betweenness centrality in a weighted network
The neural network of the Caenorhabditis elegans worm (c.elegans)
Closeness centrality in a weighted network
Redefined local clusering coefficient for two-mode networks
Barrat et al. (2004) generalised local clusering coefficient
Redefined clusering coefficient for two-mode networks
Generalised clusering coefficient
Remove non-active nodes from one-mode/two-mode/longitudinal networks
Intra-organisational networks
Intra-organisational networks
Davis' Southern Women network
Degree centrality in a two-mode network
Degree centrality in a weighted network
Dichotomise a weighted two-mode network into a binary two-mode network
Dichotomise a weighted one-mode network into a binary one-mode network
Distance in a two-mode network
Distance in a weighted network
Freeman's EIES network data
Identifies growth mechanisms responsible for tie generation in longitu...
Newman's condmat 95-99 network (two-mode structure)
Facebook-like Online Social Network
Projecting binary and weighted two-mode networks onto weighted one-mod...
Reshuffling a longitudinal network
Reshuffle of a binary two-mode network
Reshuffle of a weighted network
Random binary and weighted two-mode network
Random weighted network generator
Shrink a repetative edgelist into a weighted
Collection of functions for analysing weighted networks, two-mode netw...
Exports a tnet network to an igraph object
Exports a tnet network to a DL file for UCINET
The network among the 500 busiest US commercial airports.
The weighted rich-club effect (local measure)
The weighted rich-club effect (two-mode networks)
The weighted rich-club effect
Binary ties limit the richness of network analyses as relations are unique. The two-mode structure contains a number of features lost when projection it to a one-mode network. Longitudinal datasets allow for an understanding of the causal relationship among ties, which is not the case in cross-sectional datasets as ties are dependent upon each other.