Infrastructure for Running, Cycling and Swimming Data from GPS-Enabled Tracking Devices
Generic function for appending data to existing files
Append training sessions to existing file
Transform concentration profile to distribution profile.
Change the units of the variables in an conProfile
Change the units of the variables in an distrProfile
Generic function for changing the units of measurement
Change the units of the variables in an trackeRdata
Change the units of the variables in an trackeRdataSummary
Change the units of the variables in an trackeRdataZones
Change the units of the variables in an trackeRthresholds
Change the units of the variables in an trackeRWprime
Collect units from the result of generate_units
Compute a grid of breakpoints per variable from a trackeRdata
Compute variable limits from a trackeRdata
Generate training concentration profiles.
Generic method for concentration profiles
Auxiliary conversion functions
Smooth a decreasing function.
Convert distance to speed.
Generate training distribution profiles.
Find the most frequent sport in an object
Fortify a conProfile
object for plotting with ggplot2.
Fortify a distrProfile object for plotting with ggplot2.
Fortify a trackeRdata object for plotting with ggplot2
Fortify a trackeRdataSummary object for plotting with ggplot2.
Fortify a trackeRWprime object for plotting with ggplot2.
Functional principal components analysis of distribution or concentrat...
Coercion function for use in Golden Cheetah
Generate default thresholds.
Generate and set base units.
(Cumulative) Elevation gain.
Get the operation settings of an conProfile
Get the operation settings of an distrProfile
Generic function for retrieving the operation settings
Get the operation settings of an trackeRdata
Generic function to subset distribution and concentration profiles
Extract resting period characteristics
Generic function for extracting sports
Get the units of the variables in an conProfile
Get the units of the variables in an distrProfile
Generic function for extracting the units of measurement
Get the units of the variables in an trackeRdata
Get the units of the variables in an trackeRdataSummary
Get the units of the variables in an trackeRdataZones
Get the units of the variables in an trackeRfpca
Get the units of the variables in an trackeRthresholds
Get the units of the variables in an trackeRWprime
Impute speeds
Plot routes for training sessions
Generic function for calculating number of sessions
Plot concentration profiles.
Plot distribution profiles.
Plot training sessions in form of trackeRdata objects
Plot an object of class trackeRdataSummary
Plot training zones.
Plot function for functional principal components analysis of distribu...
Plot W'.
Plot routes for training sessions
Prepare a data.frame
for use in leaflet_route
and plot_route
Returns 'pretty' units for use for plotting or printing
method for trackeRdata
Print method for session summaries.
Transform distribution and concentration profiles to functional data o...
Read a GPS container file.
Read all supported container files from a supplied directory
Read a training file in tcx, gpx, db3 or Golden Cheetah's JSON format
Ridgeline plots for distrProfile
Ridgeline plots for distrProfile
Generic function for ridgeline plots
Ridgeline plots for trackeRdata
Sanity checks for tracking data
Scale the distribution profile relative to its maximum value.
Generic function for scaling
Generic function for calculating session durations
Generic function for calculating session times
Smoother for concentration profiles.
Smoother for distribution profiles.
Generic function for smoothing
Smoother for trackeRdata
Auxiliary function for smoother.distrProfile
. Typically used to cons...
Auxiliary function for smoother.trackeRdata
. Typically used to const...
Sort sessions in trackeRdata
Convert speed to distance.
Summary of training sessions
Thresholding for variables in trackeRdata
Time spent above a certain threshold.
Generic function for visualising the sessions on a time versus date pl...
trackeR: Infrastructure for running and cycling data from GPS-enabled ...
Create a trackeRdata object
Extract unique sessions in a trackerRdata
W' expended.
W': work capacity above critical power/speed.
Time spent in training zones.
Provides infrastructure for handling running, cycling and swimming data from GPS-enabled tracking devices within R. The package provides methods to extract, clean and organise workout and competition data into session-based and unit-aware data objects of class 'trackeRdata' (S3 class). The information can then be visualised, summarised, and analysed through flexible and extensible methods. Frick and Kosmidis (2017) <doi: 10.18637/jss.v082.i07>, which is updated and maintained as one of the vignettes, provides detailed descriptions of the package and its methods, and real-data demonstrations of the package functionality.
Useful links