PKPD, PBPK, and Systems Pharmacology Modeling Tools
Extracts Covariates for a Subject from a Subject Data File
Archive Estimation Results
Calculate AUC for Sparse Data
Build the System File
Calculate the halflife of data
Calculates the Value of the Specified Objective Function
Wrapper for calculate_objective
Wrapper for calculate_objective
Calculates the Variance in od_general
Verify System Steady State
Compares Estimate to Bounds
Performs parameter estimation
Create Full Parameter Vector from Estimation Subset
Parse Prototype Functions for Arguments
Generates a Parameter Based on <IIV:?>
in the System File
Generate Text Report with Estimation Results
Generate Subject
Make Pretty ggplot x- or y-Axis Log 10 Scale
Make Pretty ggplot x-Axis Log 10 Scale
Make Pretty ggplot y-Axis Log 10 Scale
Wrapper for system_log_entry Used in ShinyApp
Implementation of the linspace
Function from Matlab
Implementation of the logspace
Function from Matlab
Makes Forcing Function From Times and Values
Select Records from NONMEM-ish Data Set
Pad String with Spaces
Parse String for Prototype Functions
Make ggplot Figure Pretty
Simulate With Titration or Rule-Based Inputs
Simulate Individual Response
Define Sample Times Around Events
Run Population Simulations
Calculate Solution Statistics
Converts the Wide/Verbose Output Simulation Functions into Data Frames
Check For Perl and C Tools
Verify System Steady State
Clear all Cohorts
Define Estimation Cohort
Define Cohorts from NONMEM Input File
Control Estimation Process
Fetch Current Parameter Guesses
Fetch Variability Terms
Fetch NCA Results
Columns in NCA Analysis
Fetch System Parameters
Extracts the officer Object From the Specified ubiquity Report
Extracts the onbrand Object From the Specified ubiquity Report
Fetch Mathematical Set
Create New Analysis Template
Fetch System Timescale
Initialize GLP study design
Design GLP Study For a Scenario
Loading Datasets
Save variables to files
Add Log Entry
Initialize System Log File
List NCA parameters, text names and descriptions
Automatic NCA
Summarize NCA Results in Tabular Format
Create New system.txt
Fetch List of Available System Templates
Titration Rules
Check NONMEM Dataset for Automatic Definitions
General Observation Details Function
Plot Estimation Results
Require Suggested Packages
Adds Content to a Word Report
Add Slide to a Powerpoint Report
Generate a Report from Parameter Estimation
Report NCA
Initialize a New Report
Save Report to a File
Generate Details about Report Template
Selecting Parameter Sets
Set Bolus Inputs
Set Covariate Values
Alter Initial Guess and Parameter Bounds
Set Variability Terms
Setting Analysis Options
Set Value for Parameter
Set Infusion Rate Inputs
Sets the officer Object for the Specified ubiquity Report
Sets the onbrand Object for the Specified ubiquity Report
Actual Function Called by SI_TT_BOLUS
Define Titration Triggers and Actions
Actual Function Called by SI_TT_RATE
Simulate Results at Estimates
Convert Time in Timescale to Simulation Time
View Information About the System
Zero All Model Inputs
Implementation of Matlab tic()
Calculate Timecourse Statistics for a Matrix of Responses
Implementation of Matlab toc()
Check Names of Cohorts, Analyses, Reports, etc.
Converts Numeric Variables into Padded Strings
Convert R Objects to Strings
Print and Log Messages
Fetch Ubiquity Workshop Sections
Complete work flow for the analysis of pharmacokinetic pharmacodynamic (PKPD), physiologically-based pharmacokinetic (PBPK) and systems pharmacology models including: creation of ordinary differential equation-based models, pooled parameter estimation, individual/population based simulations, rule-based simulations for clinical trial design and modeling assays, deployment with a customizable 'Shiny' app, and non-compartmental analysis. System-specific analysis templates can be generated and each element includes integrated reporting with 'PowerPoint' and 'Word'.