Antarctic Spatial Data Manipulation
Rotate object
Create Stations
Load CCAMLR Small Scale Research Units
Create Ellipse
Add colors
Add a color scale
Add labels
Add Legend
Add a legend to Pies
Create Hashes
Add a Reference grid
Assign point locations to polygons
Loads and creates spatial data, including layers and tools that are re...
Clip Polygons to a simplified Antarctic coastline
Create Arrow
Create Circular Arrow
Create Lines
Create Pies
Create Points
Create a Polygon Grid
Create Polygons
Get Cartesian coordinates of lines intersection in Euclidean space
Get depths of locations from a bathymetry raster
Generate contour polygons from raster
Load CCAMLR statistical Areas, Subareas and Divisions
Project user-supplied locations
Load Bathymetry data
Load the full CCAMLR Coastline
Load Exclusive Economic Zones
Load CCAMLR Management Areas
Load CCAMLR Marine Protected Areas
Load CCAMLR Research Blocks
Load CCAMLR Small Scale Management Units
Calculate planimetric seabed area
Small bathymetry dataset
Loads and creates spatial data, including layers and tools that are relevant to the activities of the Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources. Provides two categories of functions: load functions and create functions. Load functions are used to import existing spatial layers from the online CCAMLR GIS such as the ASD boundaries. Create functions are used to create layers from user data such as polygons and grids.