Plot Lexis Diagrams for Demographic Purposes
Deprecated. Emphasize a certain age in Lexis grid
Deprecated. Emphasize a certain cohort in a Lexis grid
Deprecated. Plot a Lexis grid
Deprecated. Plot a Lexis grid
Deprecated. Fill Lexis triangles by HMD data
Deprecated. Plot lifelines into a Lexis grid
Deprecated. Emphasize a survey range in a Lexis grid Takes an existing...
Deprecated. Emphasize a certain year in Lexis grid.
Emphasize a certain age in Lexis grid
Emphasize a certain cohort in a Lexis grid
Plot a Lexis grid
Plot lifelines into a Lexis grid
Plot a polygon inside a Lexis grid Takes an existing Lexis grid and ad...
Emphasize a certain year in Lexis grid.
Deprecated. Prepare HMD data for lexis.hmd()
Tidy triangular data (Lexis triangles)
Plots empty Lexis grids, adds lifelines and highlights certain areas of the grid, like cohorts and age groups.