Optimal Designs for the 5-Parameter Logistic Model
The first derivative of the Ds-optimality criterion with respect to th...
The second derivative of the Ds-optimality criterion with respect to t...
Computing each element of the function c_weight_2
Computing each element of the function DD_weight_2
Obtaining D-efficiency for estimating model parameters
Target dose, EDp
Sensitivity function of c-optimality criterion for the EDp
Sensitivity function of Ds-optimality criterion
Obtaining Ds-efficiency for estimating the asymmetric factor under the...
Search Ds-optimal design for estimating the asymmetric factor under th...
Obtaining c-efficiency for estimating the EDp under the 5-parameter lo...
One iteration to run Newton Raphson to get c-optimal weights
The first derivative of the c-optimality criterion w.r.t the model par...
The second derivative of the c-optimality criterion with respect to th...
One iteration to run Newton Raphson to get D-optimal weights
The first derivative of the D-optimality criterion w.r.t the model par...
The second derivative of the D-optimality criterion w.r.t the model pa...
Computing each element of the function c_weight_1
Computing each element of the function DD_weight_1
One iteration to run Newton Raphson to get Ds-optimal weights
Search c-optimal designs for estimating the EDp under the 5-parameter ...
Gradient of the mean function
Partial derivative of the EDp with respect to the model parameters
Generalized Inverse Matrix
Obtain a information matrix at a single design point
Adjusting invere information matrix being not singular
Matrix subtraction
Matrix multiplication
Matrix addition
Search the robust D-optimal designs for estimating model parameters
Newton Raphson method to get optimal weights
Summation of diagonal elements in a matrix
Sub-function of the function D_weight_1
Sub-function of the function D_weight_2
Sensitivity function of D-optimality criterion
Multiply a constant to a matrix
Transpose of a matrix
Obtain normalized Fisher information matrix
Obtain and evaluate various optimal designs for the 3, 4, and 5-parameter logistic models. The optimal designs are obtained based on the numerical algorithm in Hyun, Wong, Yang (2018) <doi:10.18637/jss.v083.i05>.