Adaptive Trial Simulator
Setup a generic trial specification
Check availability of required packages
Assert equivalent functions
adaptr: Adaptive Trial Simulator
Calculate the ideal design percentage
Calibrate trial specification
cat() with sep = ""
Check performance metrics for trial simulations
Check remaining arm combinations
Estimates covariance matrices used by Gaussian process optimisation
Simulate single trial after setting seed
Extract history
Extract simulation results
Extract results from a batch of trials from an object with multiple tr...
Extract statuses
Find beta distribution parameters from thresholds
Format digits before printing
Create formatted label with absolute and relative frequencies (percent...
Simulate multiple trials
Generate draws from posterior beta-binomial distributions
Generic documentation for get_draws_* functions
Generate draws from posterior normal distributions
Generate binary outcomes from binomial distributions
Generate normally distributed continuous outcomes
Gaussian process-based optimisation
Make x-axis scale for history/status plots
Make y-axis scale for history/status plots
Plot convergence of performance metrics
Plot trial metric history
Plot empirical cumulative distribution functions of performance metric...
Plot statuses
Calculates matrix of absolute distances raised to a power
Print methods for adaptive trial objects
Calculate the probability that all arms are practically equivalent
Setup default cluster for use in parallelised adaptr functions
Calculate the probabilities of each arm being the best
Calculate probabilities of comparisons of arms against with common con...
Generate breakpoints and other values for printing progress
Update allocation probabilities
Replace non-finite values with other value (finite-OR-operator)
Replace NULL with other value (NULL-OR-operator)
Rescale numeric vector to sum to 1
Simulate a single trial
Setup a trial specification using a binary, binomially distributed out...
Setup a trial specification using a continuous, normally distributed o...
stop() and warning() with call. = FALSE
Summarise distribution
Summarise numeric vector
Summary of simulated trial results
Update previously saved calibration result
Update previously saved simulation results
Validate trial specification
vapply helpers
Verify input is single integer (potentially within range)
Find the index of value nearest to a target value
Package that simulates adaptive (multi-arm, multi-stage) clinical trials using adaptive stopping, adaptive arm dropping, and/or adaptive randomisation. Developed as part of the INCEPT (Intensive Care Platform Trial) project (<>), primarily supported by a grant from Sygeforsikringen "danmark" (<>).
Useful links