Conditional Inference Procedures in a Permutation Test Framework
General Information on the coin
Tests of Independence in Two- or Three-Way Contingency Tables
Correlation Tests
Extraction of the Expectation, Variance and Covariance of the Linear S...
Class "IndependenceLinearStatistic"
Class "IndependenceProblem"
Class "IndependenceTest"
and Its Subclasses
General Independence Test
Class "IndependenceTestProblem"
Class "IndependenceTestStatistic"
and Its Subclasses
Two- and -Sample Location Tests
Marginal Homogeneity Tests
Generalized Maximally Selected Statistics
Class "NullDistribution"
and Its Subclasses
Computation of the Reference Distribution
Specification of the Reference Distribution
Computation of the Permutation Distribution
Class "PValue"
Computation of the -Value, Mid--Value, -Value Interval and Te...
Two- and -Sample Scale Tests
Extraction of the Test Statistic and the Linear Statistic
Two- and -Sample Tests for Censored Data
Class "SymmetryProblem"
General Symmetry Test
Symmetry Tests
Functions for Data Transformation
Class "VarCovar"
and its subclasses
Conditional inference procedures for the general independence problem including two-sample, K-sample (non-parametric ANOVA), correlation, censored, ordered and multivariate problems described in <doi:10.18637/jss.v028.i08>.