Monitoring Convergence of EU Countries
Absolute change
Unweighted average of countries
Beta-convergence statistic
Graphical representation based on beta convergence
Check a dataset (tibble) for the presence of countries
Make tests on a dataset (dataframe and tibbles)
Auxiliary function for gradients and delta2
Auxiliary function to provide a different object as input
Auxiliary function compo_cond_EUS
convergEU: Monitoring Convergence of EU Countries
Global objects for convergEU package
Ranking of EU countries by time
Delta-convergence statistic
Calculate changes of deviations from the mean
Departures from the best country
Plot of deviations from the best performer
Departures from an average
Plot of deviations from the mean
Downloader of social scoreboard indicators
Download a dataset (tibble) from Eurostat.
Download a dataset (tibble) from Eurostat.
Create a dataset (tibble) for an ECG indicator.
Create a dataset (tibble) for an EIGE indicator.
Create a dataset (tibble) for an indicator.
Gamma convergence
Gamma convergence iterated on several years in pairs
Create an indicator fiche for a given aggregation of countries.
Create a country fiche for an indicator
Values to patterns
Graphical representation based on sigma convergence
Imputation of missing values
Imputation to make a dataset complete
Smoother based on moving average
Values to patterns
Values to patterns
Member state dynamics
Find patterns for all countries
Find patterns for all countries
Find patterns for all countries
Auxiliary function for membership
Graphical legend about time patterns
Graphical legend about time patterns
From points to parameters of a straight line
Population variance and standard deviation
Scoreboard of countries
Sigma-convergence statistic
Graphical representation based on sigma convergence
Smoother based on weighting
Time-indicator serie to straight lines parameters
Upward-downward convergence declaration
Indicators and measures by country and time describe what happens at economic and social levels. This package provides functions to calculate several measures of convergence after imputing missing values. The automated downloading of Eurostat data, followed by the production of country fiches and indicator fiches, makes possible to produce automated reports. The Eurofound report (<doi:10.2806/68012>) "Upward convergence in the EU: Concepts, measurements and indicators", 2018, is a detailed presentation of convergence.
Useful links