Datasets and Functions to Accompany Analisis De Datos Con R
Computes the cumulative distribution for a given random variable
Computes statistics for inference in a given contrast
Deletes the last n-characters of a string
Creates a descriptive statistics table for continuous variables
Finds the position of a specific variable.
Function to compute the geometric mean of a vector
Computes the sample kurtosis of a distribution
Computes a likelihood ratio test between a reduced model and a full mo...
Computes the mode
Obtain the P-value for a Standard t-distributed random variable
Obtain the P-value for a Standard Gaussian random variable
Computes the skewness of a numeric vector
Produces a time series plot
Creates a scatterplot with superposing boxplots
A scatterplot with marginal histograms
Figure of a matrix of scatterplots and histograms for several variable...
Datasets and functions to accompany the book 'Analisis de datos con el programa estadistico R: una introduccion aplicada' by Salas-Eljatib (2021, ISBN: 9789566086109). The package helps carry out data management, exploratory analyses, and model fitting.