Groupwise Statistics, LSmeans, Linear Estimates, Utilities
Convert binomial data to bernoulli data
Backquote a list of functions
Scale a dataframe or matrix
Formula based version of lapply and sapply
List of lm objects with a common model
Ordering (sorting) rows of a data frame
Sampling from a data frame
Split a data frame
Finds subsets of a dataframe which is split by variables in a formula.
Function to calculate groupwise summary statistics
Function to make groupwise transformations
Cross-validation for list of glm objects
Gene expression signatures for p53 mutation status in 250 breast cance...
Budworm data
Coronary artery disease data
Mathematics marks for students
Personality traits
Prostate Tumor Gene Expression Dataset
Computing simple descriptive statistics of a numeric vector.
Internal functions for the doBy package
Convert right hand sided formula to a list
Contrasts for lm, glm, lme, and geeglm objects
Convert expression into function object.
Locate the index of the first/last unique value
Formula operations and coercion.
Generate data list
Get formulas from model_stability_glm_class object
Two-way interaction plot
Determines if contrasts are estimable.
Auxillary functions for computing lsmeans, contrasts etc
Linear estimates matrix
Compute linear estimates
Compute LS-means (aka population means or marginal means)
Fast summary of microbenchmark object
Model stability for glm objects
Extract components from a formula with "conditioning bar"
Plot linear model object
Recode values of a vector
Recover data from principal component analysis
Rename columns in a matrix or a dataframe.
Plot the response variable against the predictor variables.
Scaling numerical values
Section a function and set default values in function
Matrix representatation of list of vectors and vice versa
Split matrix or dataframe into list
Find sub-sequences of identical elements in a vector.
Taylor expansion (one dimension)
Tidy an esticon object
Tidy a linest object
Calculate "time since event" in a vector.
Truncate values in a matrix / vector to zero if they are below a certa...
Where are the n largest or n smallest elements in a numeric vector ?
Utility package containing: 1) Facilities for working with grouped data: 'do' something to data stratified 'by' some variables. 2) LSmeans (least-squares means), general linear estimates. 3) Restrict functions to a smaller domain. 4) Miscellaneous other utilities.