Data Science for Psychologists
Base digits: Sequence of numeric symbols (as named vector)
Convert a string of numeral digits from some base into decimal notatio...
Capitalize initial characters in strings of text x
Flip the case of characters in a string of text x
cclass provides character classes (as a named vector).
Change time and time zone (without changing time display).
Change time zone (without changing represented time).
Combine character inputs x
into a single string of text.
Flip a fair coin (with 2 sides "H" and "T") n times.
Collapse character inputs x
into a single string.
Count the frequency of characters in a string of text x
Count the frequency of characters and words in a string of text x
Count the frequency of words in a string of text x
Current date (in yyyy-mm-dd or dd-mm-yyyy format).
Current time (in hh:mm or hh:mm:ss format).
How many days are in a month (of given date)?
Convert an integer from decimal notation into a string of numeric digi...
Throw a fair dice (with a given number of sides) n times.
Throw a questionable dice (with a given number of sides) n times.
Get the difference between two dates (in human units).
Get the difference between two times (in human units).
Get the time zone difference between two times.
Opens user guide of the ds4psy package.
Get a set of x-y coordinates.
invert_rules inverts a set of encoding rules.
Test two vectors for pairwise (near) equality.
Is some year a so-called leap year?
Test for a vector (i.e., atomic vector or list).
Test for whole numbers (i.e., integers).
l33t_rul35 provides rules for translating text into leet/l33t slang.
Generate a grid of x-y coordinates.
map_text_chars maps the characters of a text string into a table (with...
map_text_coord maps the characters of a text string into a table (with...
Map text to character table (allowing for matching patterns).
metachar provides metacharacters (as a character vector).
Convert a number into a character sequence.
Convert a number into an ordinal character sequence.
Test two numeric vectors for pairwise (near) equality.
ds4psy default color palette.
Get n-by-n dedicated colors of a color palette.
Plot a character map as a tile plot with text labels.
Plot text characters (from file or user input) and match patterns.
A function to plot a plot.
Another function to plot some plot.
Plot n tiles.
Plot text characters (from file or user input).
Plot n-by-n tiles.
read_ascii parses text (from file or user input) into string(s) of tex...
Draw a sample of n random characters (from given characters).
Draw a sample of n random dates (from a given range).
Draw a sample of n random times (from a given range).
Split string(s) of text x
into its characters.
Split strings of text x
into sentences.
Split string(s) of text x
into words.
A clean alternative theme for ggplot2.
A basic and flexible plot theme (using ggplot2 and unikn).
A basic and flexible plot theme (using ggplot2 and unikn).
transl33t translates text into leet slang.
Umlaut provides German Umlaut letters (as Unicode characters).
What date is it?
What month is it?
What time is it?
What day of the week is it?
What week is it?
What year is it?
Paste or collapse words x
into a text.
Get zodiac (corresponding to date x).
All datasets and functions required for the examples and exercises of the book "Data Science for Psychologists" (by Hansjoerg Neth, Konstanz University, 2022), available at <>. The book and course introduce principles and methods of data science to students of psychology and other biological or social sciences. The 'ds4psy' package primarily provides datasets, but also functions for data generation and manipulation (e.g., of text and time data) and graphics that are used in the book and its exercises. All functions included in 'ds4psy' are designed to be explicit and instructive, rather than efficient or elegant.
Useful links