Empirical Bayes Multi-State Cox Model
Ancillary function of boot_ebmstate
Empirical Bayes multi-state Cox model
Ancillary function to boot_ebmstate
Spline approximations of the cumulative hazard functions
Bootstrap confidence intervals for regression coefficients
Bootstrap samples and bootstrap interval estimates
Bootstrap confidence intervals for transition probabilities
Ancillary function of boot_ebmstate
Convolution function for clock-forward models
Convolution function for clock-reset models
Empirical Bayes, multi-state Cox model
Compute the cumulative hazard of leaving a given state
Leave-one-out estimation
Convert factor to integer.
Compute subject-specific transition hazards.
Print method for CoxRFX objects
Print method for msfit
objects generated by msfit_generic
Compute transition probabilities under a clock-forward model using a c...
Compute transition probabilities under a clock-reset model using a con...
Compute all transition probabilities from a given state using convolut...
Compute subject-specific transition probabilities using convolution.
Compute subject-specific transition probabilities using a convolution ...
Compute subject-specific or overall transition probabilities
Find the unique possible path until an absorbing state
A summary method for CoxRFX models
Find all possible paths until absorption from a given starting state
Implements an empirical Bayes, multi-state Cox model for survival analysis. Run "?'ebmstate-package'" for details. See also Schall (1991) <doi:10.1093/biomet/78.4.719>.