Elastic Analysis of Sparse, Dense and Irregular Curves
Align two curves measured at discrete points
Centers curves for plotting
Compute a elastic mean for a collection of curves
elasdics: el astic a nalysis of s parse, d ense and i rregular c urves...
Optimal alignment to a smooth curve
Finds optimal alignment for discrete open curves
Finds optimal alignment for discrete closed curves
Compute a elastic mean for a collection of curves
Fitting function for open curves
Fitting function for open curves
Evaluate a curve on a grid
Helper functions for curve data measured at discrete points
Does optimization in one parameter direction
Does optimization in one parameter direction
Plot method for aligned curves
Plot method for planar elastic mean curves
Plot method for planar elastic regression models
Predict method for elastic regression models
Close open curve via projection on derivative level.
Re-transform srv curve back to curve
Provides functions to align curves and to compute mean curves based on the elastic distance defined in the square-root-velocity framework. For more details on this framework see Srivastava and Klassen (2016, <doi:10.1007/978-1-4939-4020-2>). For more theoretical details on our methods and algorithms see Steyer et al. (2023, <doi:10.1111/biom.13706>) and Steyer et al. (2023, <arXiv:2305.02075>).