Fit, Simulate and Diagnose Exponential-Family Models for Networks
Absolute difference in nodal attribute
Categorical absolute difference in nodal attribute
Alternating -star
Approximate Hotelling T^2-Test for One or Two Population Means
Create a Simple Random network of a Given Size
Extract dyad-level ERGM constraint information into an rlebdm
Asymmetric dyads
Number of dyads with values greater than or equal to a threshold
Number of dyads with values less than or equal to a threshold
Edge covariate by attribute pairing
Wrap binary terms for use in valued models
Concurrent node count for the first mode in a bipartite network
Main effect of a covariate for the first mode in a bipartite network
Degree range for the first mode in a bipartite network
Degree for the first mode in a bipartite network
Preserve the actor degree for bipartite networks
Dyadwise shared partners for dyads in the first bipartition
Factor attribute effect for the first mode in a bipartite network
Minimum degree for the first mode in a bipartite network
Nodal attribute-based homophily effect for the first mode in a biparti...
-stars for the first mode in a bipartite network
Mixing matrix for -stars centered on the first mode of a bipartite ...
Two-star census for central nodes centered on the first mode of a bipa...
Concurrent node count for the second mode in a bipartite network
Main effect of a covariate for the second mode in a bipartite network
Degree range for the second mode in a bipartite network
Degree for the second mode in a bipartite network
Preserve the receiver degree for bipartite networks
Dyadwise shared partners for dyads in the second bipartition
Factor attribute effect for the second mode in a bipartite network
Minimum degree for the second mode in a bipartite network
Nodal attribute-based homophily effect for the second mode in a bipart...
-stars for the second mode in a bipartite network
Mixing matrix for -stars centered on the second mode of a bipartite...
Two-star census for central nodes centered on the second mode of a bip...
Balanced triads
Constrain maximum and minimum vertex degree
TNT proposal with degree bounds, stratification, and a blocks constrai...
Bernoulli reference
Block-diagonal structure constraint
Constrain blocks of dyads defined by mixing type on a vertex attribute...
Locate and call an ERGM term initialization function.
Ensures an Ergm Term and its Arguments Meet Appropriate Conditions
Coincident node count for the second mode in a bipartite (aka two-mode...
Concurrent node count
Concurrent tie count
MHp for b1degree constraints
MHp for b2degree constraints
MHp for degree constraints
MHp for degreedist constraints
MHp for degree mix constraints
MHp for idegree constraints
MHp for idegreedist constraints
MHp for odegree constraints
MHp for odegreedist constraints
MHp for edges constraints
Auxiliaries for Controlling ergm.bridge.llr()
and logLik.ergm()
Auxiliary function for fine-tuning ERGM fitting.
Auxiliary for Controlling ERGM Goodness-of-Fit Evaluation
Auxiliary for Controlling SAN
Auxiliary for Controlling ERGM Simulation
Cyclic triples
Impose a curved structure on term parameters
k-Cycle Census
Cyclical ties
Cyclical weights
Degree Correlation
Degree Cross-Product
Degree range
Degree to the 3/2 power
Preserve the degree distribution of the given network
Computes and Returns the Degree Distribution Information for a Given N...
Preserve the degree of each vertex of the given network
Discrete Uniform reference
Directed dyadwise shared partners
Dyadic covariate
A soft constraint to adjust the sampled distribution for dyad-level no...
Constrain fixed or varying dyad-independent terms
A meta-constraint indicating handling of arbitrary dyadic constraints
Edge covariate
Preserve the edge count of the given network
Number of edges in the network
Preserve values of dyads incident on vertices with given attribute
Convert a curved ERGM into a form suitable as initial values for the s...
Number of dyads with values equal to a specific value (within toleranc...
Initializes the parameters to bound degree during sampling
Deallocate the C data structures corresponding to an ergm_state
Helper function for constructing gw*
cutoff error messages
A helper function to select and construct a dyad generator for C.
A common pattern for obtaining an edge covariate
Curved settings for geometric weights for the gw*
Dynamic ERGM keyword registry
Internal Function to Sample Networks and Network Statistics
Combine an operator term's and a subterm's name in a standard fashion.
Internal representation of an ergm
network model
Plot MCMC list using lattice
package graphics
Update the network and the response argument.
Extended states for submodels
Table mapping reference,constraints, etc. to ERGM Metropolis-Hastings ...
Functions to initialize the ergm_proposal object
Internal Function to Perform Simulated Annealing
A rudimentary cache for large objects
A Representation of ERGM state
Return a symmetrized version of a binary network
Functions that have been removed from this package
Functions that will no longer be supported in future releases of the p...
Sensible error and warning messages by ergm
Internal ergm Objects
Global options and term options for the ergm
ergm: Fit, Simulate and Diagnose Exponential-Family Models for Network...
Parallel Processing in the ergm
Calculate all possible vectors of statistics on a network for an ERGM
Bridge sampling to evaluate ERGM log-likelihoods and log-likelihood ra...
Obtain the set of informative dyads based on the network structure.
Compute the Sample Estimating Function Values of an ERGM.
Operations to map curved ergm()
parameters onto canonical parameters
Calculate geodesic distance distribution for a network or edgelist
Acquire and verify the network from the LHS of an ergm
formula and v...
A function to apply a given series of changes to a network.
Find a maximizer to the psuedolikelihood function
Exponential-Family Random Graph Models
Sample Space Constraints for Exponential-Family Random Graph Models
MCMC Hints for Exponential-Family Random Graph Models
Keywords defined for Exponential-Family Random Graph Models
An API for specifying aspects of an ergm
model in the LHS/basis netw...
ERGM Predictors and response for logistic regression calculation of MP...
Metropolis-Hastings Proposal Methods for ERGM MCMC
Reference Measures for Exponential-Family Random Graph Models
Terms used in Exponential Family Random Graph Models
Directed edgewise shared partners
Exponentiate a network's statistic
Filtering on arbitrary one-term model
Convert a curved ERGM into a corresponding "fixed" ERGM.
Preserve the dyad status in all but the given edges
Fix specific dyads
A for
operator for terms
Retrieve and check assumptions about vertex attributes (nodal covariat...
Multivariate version of coda
's coda::geweke.diag()
Conduct Goodness-of-Fit Diagnostics on a Exponential Family Random Gra...
Number of dyads with values strictly greater than a threshold
Geometrically weighted degree distribution for the first mode in a bip...
Geometrically weighted dyadwise shared partner distribution for dyads ...
Geometrically weighted degree distribution for the second mode in a bi...
Geometrically weighted dyadwise shared partner distribution for dyads ...
Geometrically weighted degree distribution
Geometrically weighted dyadwise shared partner distribution
Geometrically weighted edgewise shared partner distribution
Geometrically weighted in-degree distribution
Geometrically weighted non-edgewise shared partner distribution
Geometrically weighted out-degree distribution
Preserve the hamming distance to the given network (BROKEN: Do NOT Use...
Hamming distance
In-degree range
In-degree to the 3/2 power
Preserve the indegree distribution
Preserve indegree for directed networks
Number of dyads whose values are in an interval
Intransitive triads
Testing for curved exponential family
Testing for dyad-independence
Function to check whether an ERGM fit or some aspect of it is valued
Isolated edges
Modify terms' coefficient names
Triangles within neighborhoods
Take a natural logarithm of a network's statistic
A logLik()
method for ergm
Calculate the null model likelihood
Mixed 2-stars, a.k.a 2-paths
Conduct MCMC diagnostics on a model fit
Mean vertex degree
Mixing matrix cells and margins
Near simmelian triads
A convenience container for a list of network
objects, output by `si...
Helper functions for specifying nodal attribute levels
Specifying nodal attributes and their levels
Main effect of a covariate
Covariance of undirected dyad values incident on each actor
Factor attribute effect
Main effect of a covariate for in-edges
Covariance of in-dyad values incident on each actor
Factor attribute effect for in-edges
Uniform homophily and differential homophily
Filtering on nodematch
Nodal attribute mixing
Main effect of a covariate for out-edges
Covariance of out-dyad values incident on each actor
Factor attribute effect for out-edges
Length of the parameter vector associated with an object or with its t...
Directed non-edgewise shared partners
Copy network- and vertex-level attributes between two network objects
Preserve the observed dyads of the given network
Out-degree range
Out-degree to the 3/2 power
Preserve the outdegree distribution
Preserve outdegree for directed networks
Terms with fixed coefficients
Open triads
Names of the parameters associated with an object.
ERGM-based tie probabilities
A product (or an arbitrary power combination) of one or more formulas
Propose a randomly selected dyad to toggle
A lack-of-fit test for ERGMs
Receiver effect
RLE-Compressed Boolean Dyad Matrix
Evaluation on an induced subgraph
Generate networks with a given set of network statistics
Search ERGM terms, constraints, references, hints, and proposals
Sender effect
Identify the position of a point relative to the convex hull of a set ...
Simmelian triads
Ties in simmelian triads
Draw from the distribution of an Exponential Family Random Graph Model
A simulate
Method for formula
objects that dispatches based on the...
Number of ties between actors with similar attribute values
Number of dyads with values strictly smaller than a threshold
Statnet Control
Undirected degree
Sparse network
A proposal alternating between TNT and a triad-focused proposal
Multivariate version of coda
Standard Normal reference
Stratify Proposed Toggles by Mixing Type on a Vertex Attribute
Sum of dyad values (optionally taken to a power)
A sum (or an arbitrary linear combination) of one or more formulas
Dispatching a summary function based on the class of the LHS of a form...
Evaluate network summary statistics from an initialized ergm model
Summarizing ERGM Model Fits
Calculation of network or graph statistics or other attributes specifi...
Evaluation on symmetrized (undirected) network
Default MH algorithm
Methods to serialize objects into numeric vectors for passing to the C...
Transitive triads
Transitive ties
Transitive weights
Triad census
Network with strong clustering (triad-closure) effects
Triangle percentage
Transitive triples
Continuous Uniform reference
Update the edges in a network based on a matrix
Wrap a submodel's curved, empty network statistics, and extended state...
Weighted Median
An integrated set of tools to analyze and simulate networks based on exponential-family random graph models (ERGMs). 'ergm' is a part of the Statnet suite of packages for network analysis. See Hunter, Handcock, Butts, Goodreau, and Morris (2008) <doi:10.18637/jss.v024.i03> and Krivitsky, Hunter, Morris, and Klumb (2023) <doi:10.18637/jss.v105.i06>.