Streaming Events and their Early Classification
Extracts events from a data stream and computes event features.
Generates a two dimensional data stream containing events of two class...
Extracts events from a two-dimensional data stream
Extracts events from a three-dimensional data stream
Computes event-features
Computes event-features
Prediction with incomplete-event-classifier
Computes background quantities using splines
Computes mean and standard deviation
Generates a two dimensional data stream from data files in a given fol...
Classification with incomplete-event-classifier
Tunes 2D event detection using labeled data
Tunes 3D event detection using labeled data
Implements event extraction and early classification of events in data streams in R. It has the functionality to generate 2-dimensional data streams with events belonging to 2 classes. These events can be extracted and features computed. The event features extracted from incomplete-events can be classified using a partial-observations-classifier (Kandanaarachchi et al. 2018) <doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0236331>.