Simulating Admixed Genotypes Without Replacement
check that the chromosome lengths are acceptable given recombination r...
Check that GSP does not reuse genetic material and yet uses all of it
Check the a GSP (in prepped list format) for inbreeding loops
check to make sure that the recombination rates tibble is formatted pr...
check that the RepPop is formatted correctly
return the admixture fractions of sampled individuals
Create a GSP from user inputs about what type of hybrids from which po...
High level function for dropping segments down a GSP
Example of a segments tibble
Convert 'gscramble' output to newhybrids format
Write 'gscramble' I_meta, M_meta, and Geno to a plink file
Write a dot file to represent a genome simulation pedigree
makes a two-column matrix for subscripting alleles out of a genotype m...
Scramble a matrix of genotype data
Take the output of rearrange_genos and permute everyone by population
Convert a PLINK map file to 'gscramble' RecRates bins in a tibble
read plink-formatted .map and .ped files into 'gscramble' format
Plot the simulated chromosomes of an individual
Take a gsp in tibble form and make a list suitable for gene dropping
rearrange genotypes into separate columns for each haplotype.
Randomly sample the positions of recombinations on a chromosome
Renumber GSP members by adding a constant to each
Segregate haplotypes through a genome simulation pedigree list
Takes a gamete in segment format and returns a tibble with Pop and ind...
Map alleles from scrambled founders to the sampled segments from a GSP...
Segregate segments down genomic simulation pedigrees
computes the simulation-level founder haplotype index for each founder...
takes the waka_waka table and returns a simple tibble with results for...
internal function to do crossovers and create recombinations
A genomic simulation approach for creating biologically informed individual genotypes from empirical data that 1) samples alleles from populations without replacement, 2) segregates alleles based on species-specific recombination rates. 'gscramble' is a flexible simulation approach that allows users to create pedigrees of varying complexity in order to simulate admixed genotypes. Furthermore, it allows users to track haplotype blocks from the source populations through the pedigrees.