Estimation and Tests of Hierarchical F-Statistics
Estimates matching between pairs of individuals
Import the output of the ms
program in a BED
Import ms
Number of different alleles
Estimates pairwise betas according to Weir and Goudet (2017)
Estimates pairwise FSTs according to Nei (1987)
Estimates pairwise FSTs according to Weir and Cockerham (1984)
Principal coordinate analysis
Estimates nucleotide diversity () from dosage data
Allelic frequencies
wrapper to return per locus variance components
fst per pair
print function for pp.fst
Calculates corrected Assignment Index
Allelic counts
Estimates allelic richness
Basic diversity and differentiation statistics
Estimates pairwise kinships and individual inbreeding coefficients fro...
Estimates s per population and a bootstrap confidence interval
Converts bi-allelic SNPs from hierfstat format to dosage format
Estimates bootstrap confidence intervals for pairwise betas FST estima...
Performs bootstrapping over loci of population's Fis
Performs bootstrapping over loci of pairwise Fst
Bootstrap confidence intervals for variance components
Estimates F-statistics from dosage data
Converts a hierfstat genetic data frame to dosage data
Likelihood ratio G-statistic over loci
Calculates likelihood-ratio G-statistic on contingency table
Classical genetic distances estimation
Converts genind objects from adegenet into a hierfstat data frame
Separates diploid genotypes in its constituant alleles
Converts diploid genotypic data into allelic data
Converts diploid genotypic data into allelic data
Converts a Genetic Relationship Matrix (GRM) to a kinship matrix
General information on the hierfstat package
individual counts
PCA on a matrix of individuals genotypes frequencies
Converts a kinship matrix to a distance matrix
Converts a kinship matrix to a Genetic Relation Matrix (GRM)
Shifts a kinship matrix
Creates a vector from a matrix
Read QuantiNemo extended format for genotype filesRead QuantiNemo ([ht...
Reads data from a FSTAT file
Reads data from a FSTAT file
Read data generated by Hudson ms programRead data generated by [Hudson...
Reads a VCF file into a BED object
Shuffles a sequence among groups defined by the input vector
Shuffles a sequence
Shuffles a sequence within groups defined by the input vector
Test for sex biased dispersal
Simulates frequencies, for internal use only
Simulate genetic data from a metapopulation model
Simulates genotypes in an island model at equilibrium
Simulate data from a non equilibrium continent-island model
Subsample a FSTAT data frame
Estimates Tajima's D
Tests the significance of the effect of test.lev on genetic differenti...
Tests the significance of the effect of test.lev on genetic differenti...
Tests the significance of the effect of level on genetic differentiati...
Tests the significance of the effect of inner.level on genetic differe...
Estimates from dosage data
Estimate variance components and hierarchical F-statistics over all lo...
Estimates variance components for each allele of a locus
Fills a triangular matrix from the inputed vector
Computes Weir and Cockrham estimates of Fstatistics
Writes a bayescan file
Write ped file for analyses with PLINK
Write structure file
Write an Fstat data file
Estimates hierarchical F-statistics from haploid or diploid genetic data with any numbers of levels in the hierarchy, following the algorithm of Yang (Evolution(1998), 52:950). Tests via randomisations the significance of each F and variance components, using the likelihood-ratio statistics G (Goudet et al. (1996) <>). Estimates genetic diversity statistics for haploid and diploid genetic datasets in various formats, including inbreeding and coancestry coefficients, and population specific F-statistics following Weir and Goudet (2017) <>.
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