Reproducible Input-Output Economics Analysis, Economic and Environmental Impact Assessment with Empirical Data
Transpose a vector to wider format
Get air pollutant data
Backward linkages
Collapse character vectors
Check digits parameter
Create a coefficient matrix
Create an empty conforming vector
Create an output-independent, well formatted kable table
Create direct effects
Get employment data
Symmetrically remove empty rows and columns
Solve a basic (matrix) equation
Forward linkages
Get an input-output table from a downloaded bulk file
Various internal functions to work with IOT metadata, including the la...
Create the inverse of a Ghosh-matrix
Return the position of final household expenditure
Return Final Household Expenditure
Create indirect effects
Create an input coefficient matrix
Create an inter-industry or input flow matrix
Create input indicator(s)
Create input multipliers
Get An Input-Output Table Fom Bulk File
Get the available years from bulk downloaded input-output tables
iotables: Reproducible Input-Output Economics Analysis, Economic and E...
Download input-output tables
Get Metadata from Nested iotables File
Read input-output tables from temporary directory
Check if HTML output is required
Is a keyword present in a key column?
Check if Latex output is required
Create a key columnn
Create the inverse of a Leontief-matrix
Create a Leontief matrix
Round all matrix values to required number of digits.
Create multipliers
Find Non-zero Columns
Create an output coefficient matrix
Get an output vector
Create output multipliers
Pipe operator
Get primary inputs
Determine the end of Quadrant I and III.
Systematically round values in a table
Add conforming row(s)
Add supplementary data
Download to and retrieve from the temporary directory a Eurostat datas...
Summarize and add tax data
Get United Kingdom Input-Output Analytical Tables, 2010
Get United Kingdom Multipliers and Effects, 2010
Validate source Parameter
Transpose a vector to a long form
Pre-processing and basic analytical tasks related to working with Eurostat's symmetric input-output tables and provide basic input-output economics calculations. The package is part of rOpenGov <> to open source open government initiatives.