Analysis and Visualisation of Musical Audio and Video Movement Synchrony Data
Analyze Coherency from View object
Analyze Wavelet from View object
Apply summary function to the columns in each segment of a SpliceView ...
Apply a filter to a View
Apply a Savitzky-Golay filter to a view
Apply complex function to each segment in a SpliceView object
Autolayer methods
Plot a Granger S3 object
Diagnostic plots
Autoplot a SpectralDensityView S3 object
Calculate mean average cross power over splices using a splicing table
Get the average cross power on each segment in a SplicedView
Calculate mean average power over splices using a splicing table
Get the average power on each segment in a SplicedView
Calculate average cross power distribution using a splicing table
Calculate average power distribution using a splicing table
Clip a splice so segments are of fixed duration
Compare average cross power distribution using a splicing table
Compare average power distribution using a splicing table
Compare the average cross power distribution of two SplicedViews using...
Compare the average power distribution of two SplicedViews using sampl...
Get onset differences
Distribution plot of a view object
Get the data points held in a view
Get duration annotation data
Get Feature Data
Get filtered views
Get Granger Causality interactions
Get joined view from multiple views from the same recording
Get periods locally maximal average power
Get metre files
Get onsets selected files
Get movementsync recording from OSF
Get processed view from Pose video data
Get processed views
Creates time reference and displacement from raw csv optflow data
Get view from Pose video data
Get Pose views from a recording
Get a meta-data recording object
Get sample meta-data recording object
Get spliced view from view object
Granger causality tests applied to a SplicedView
Checks if splicing data.frames overlap
List available recordings for movementsync from OSF
Map duration object comments to a Granger Test object
Merge splices together using set operations
Motion gram of a view object
Test for Conditional Granger Causality
Test for Granger Causality
Test for Granger Causality
Opens movementsync data home page at OSF
Plot a Duration S3 object
Plot network diagram of Granger Causalities
Plot a Metre S3 object
Plot a OnsetsSelected S3 object
Plot a View S3 object
Plot average coherency of a coherency object
Plot average power of a wavelet object
Plot a coherency of a wavelet object
Plot cross wavelet energy of a wavelet object
Plot a set of data points over time
Plot influence diagram from a GrangerTest object
Plot a coherency of a wavelet object
Plot a power spectrum of a wavelet object
Plot windowed resultant length
Comparison plot of phases of a coherency object
Plot wavelet energy of a wavelet object
Apply function to SplicedView and pull out element from output
Randomly create matching segments from a splicing table without overla...
Randomly create matching segments from a splicing table without overla...
Sample the time line from a list of Views
Specgram Plot
Estimate the spectral density of data points
Generate spliced timeline using a Duration object
Generate spliced timeline using a list
Generate spliced timeline using a Metre object
Generate spliced timeline using an OnsetsDifference
S3 generic function to splice a timeline
Generate spliced timeline using a view
Get a list of Views from a SplicedView
Subset a View
Summarise an analyze.wavelet object
Summarise Duration object
Summarise Metre object
Summarise OnsetsSelected object
Summarise Recording object
Summarises a sel.phases object
Summarise a View object
Summary of difference in onsets
Velocity plot of a view object
Visualise random splices
Get a ggplot2 xlim object based on duration data
Analysis and visualisation of synchrony, interaction, and joint movements from audio and video movement data of a group of music performers. The demo is data described in Clayton, Leante, and Tarsitani (2021) <doi:10.17605/OSF.IO/KS325>, while example analyses can be found in Clayton, Jakubowski, and Eerola (2019) <doi:10.1177/1029864919844809>. Additionally, wavelet analysis techniques have been applied to examine movement-related musical interactions, as shown in Eerola et al. (2018) <doi:10.1098/rsos.171520>.