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The Time-Varying (Right-Truncated) Geometric Distribution
Weighting by Inverse Distance with Adaptive Least Squares
Correcting the Coverage of Credible Sets from Bayesian Genetic Fine Ma...
Block Coordinate Ascent with One-Step Generalized Rosen Algorithm
Variational Approximations for Generalized Additive Models
Fits Conditional Generalized Linear Models
Projection Pursuit Classification Tree Visualization
Murphy Diagrams for Forecast Comparisons
(Fuzzy) AHP Calculation
Visualization, Analysis and Adjustment of High-Dimensional Data in Res...
Meta-Analytical Implementation to Identify Who Benefits Most from Trea...
ROC Based Classification
Precision of Discrete Parameters in Transdimensional MCMC
Methods for Computing Spatial, Temporal, and Spatiotemporal Statistics
Convert Between Spatial Objects and Well-Known Binary Geometry
Helper Functions to 'misc3d' and 'rgl' Packages for Brain Imaging
Locally Gaussian Distributions: Estimation and Methods
Test for Monotonicity in Expected Asset Returns, Sorted by Portfolios
Data Files and Functions Accompanying the Book "Bayesian Data Analysis...
Functional Data Analysis for Density Functions by Transformation to a ...
Effect Size Computation for Meta Analysis
Approximately Unbiased P-Values via Multiscale Bootstrap
Fit Measure Cutoffs in SEM
Automated Cytometry Gating and Annotation
Utilizes the Black-Scholes Option Pricing Model to Perform Strategic O...
Variable Selection in PH Cure Model with Time-Varying Covariates
'GraphQL' Server in R
'RStudio' Addins for Show Outline of a R Markdown/'LaTeX' Project
Extra Convenience Functions for 'Plotly'
A Toolbox for Computing Efficient Designs of Experiments
Cell Type Deconvolution from Gene Expressions
Distinct Colour Palettes Based on 'iwanthue'
Conditional Random Fields
Simple Dengue Test and Vaccinate Cost Thresholds
IO for GAMS GDX Files using 'data.table'
Vectorised Nested if-else Statements Similar to CASE WHEN in 'SQL'
Non-Central Squared Copula Models Estimation
Orthogonal Sparse Non-Negative Matrix Tri-Factorization
Statistical Metrics for Multisite Replication Studies
Assembling Data Sets for Non-Linear Mixed Effects Modeling
Argon Shiny Dashboard Template
R Interface to Argon HTML Design
Vignette Engine Wrapping Jupyter Notebooks
Reconstruct Human Populations of the Recent Past
Presentations in the REPL
Determining Effective Sample Size
Models of Trait Macroevolution on Trees
Networks Characterising the Physical Configurations of Animal Habitats