Exploration of Spatio-Temporal Data
Performs CCA using Empirical Orthogonal Functions (EOFs) from a lagged...
Computes transformed variables from Canonical Correlation Analysis usi...
Computes empirical orthogonal functions using a dataframe or a stars o...
Computes empirical spatial covariance using a dataframe or a stars obj...
Computes the data structure for the Hovmoller plots
Pipe operator
Objects exported from other packages
Ridgeline plots grouped by an attribute using a dataframe as an input.
Computes the semi-variogram using a dataframe or a stars object.
Computes spatial empirical means using a dataframe or a stars object
Plots spatial snapshots of data through time using a dataframe or a st...
stxplore: Exploration of Spatio-Temporal Data
Computes temporal empirical means using a dataframe or a stars object.
Plots temporal snapshots of data for specific spatial locations using ...
A set of statistical tools for spatio-temporal data exploration. Includes simple plotting functions, covariance calculations and computations similar to principal component analysis for spatio-temporal data. Can use both dataframes and stars objects for all plots and computations. For more details refer 'Spatio-Temporal Statistics with R' (Christopher K. Wikle, Andrew Zammit-Mangion, Noel Cressie, 2019, ISBN:9781138711136).