Statistical Exploration of Landscapes of Phylogenetic Trees
Auxiliary functions
Identify clusters of similar trees
Find MRCIs
Linear MRCA function
Collapse a tree into a single tip per category
Geometric median tree function
Metric function for multiPhylo
Scatterplot of groups of trees
Scatterplot of groups of trees using scatterD3
Plot tree differences
Metric function for comparing a reference phylo
to multiPhylo
Tree distance when trees have "related" tips
Simulate randomised "individuals" tree
Find tip position differences
Tip-tip MRCA depths
Tree concordance
Metric function
Phylogenetic tree exploration
Web-based tree explorer
Tree vector function
Median transmission tree
Transmission tree distance
Tools for the exploration of distributions of phylogenetic trees. This package includes a 'shiny' interface which can be started from R using treespaceServer(). For further details see Jombart et al. (2017) <DOI:10.1111/1755-0998.12676>.
Useful links