Models for Data from Unmarked Animals
Methods for Function backTransform in Package `unmarked'
Methods for Function coef in Package `unmarked'
Fit the dynamic occupancy model of MacKenzie et. al (2003)
Compute the penalty weight for the MPLE penalized likelihood method
Methods for Function confint in Package `unmarked'
Cross-validation methods for fitted unmarked models and fit lists
Convert .CSV File to an unmarkedFrame
Distance-sampling detection functions and associated density functions
Fit the hierarchical distance sampling model of Royle et al. (2004)
Open population model for distance sampling data
Methods for bracket extraction [ in Package `unmarked'
constructor of unmarkedFitList objects
Methods for Function fitted in Package `unmarked'
Bin distance data
Create unmarkedMultFrame from Long Format Data Frame
Convert between wide and long data formats.
Fit the combined distance and removal model of Amundson et al. (2014).
Fit the generalized distance sampling model of Chandler et al. (2011).
Methods for Function getB in Package `unmarked'
Methods for Function getFP in Package `unmarked'
Methods for Function getP in Package `unmarked'
Generalized multinomial N-mixture model
Fit multi-scale occupancy models
Generalized binomial N-mixture model for repeated count data
Fit the integrated distance sampling model of Kery et al. (2022).
A function to impute missing entries in continuous obsCovs
Convert Poisson mean (lambda) to probability of occurrence (psi).
Methods for Function linearComb in Package `unmarked'
Create functions to compute multinomial cell probabilities
Model selection results from an unmarkedFitList
Multinomial-Poisson Mixtures Model
Open population multinomial N-mixture model
Fit N-mixture Time-to-detection Models
Nonparametric bootstrapping in unmarked
Fit the MacKenzie et al. (2002) Occupancy Model
Fit the occupancy model using count dta
Fit occupancy models when false positive detections occur (e.g., Royle...
Fit Single-Season and Dynamic Multi-State Occupancy Models
Fit the Rota et al. (2016) Multi-species Occupancy Model
Fit the MacKenzie et al. (2002) Occupancy Model with the penalized lik...
Fit the MacKenzie et al. (2002) Occupancy Model with the penalized lik...
Fit the occupancy model of Royle and Nichols (2003)
Fit Single-Season and Dynamic Time-to-detection Occupancy Models
Identify Optimal Penalty Parameter Value
Parametric bootstrap method for fitted models inheriting class.
Fit the N-mixture model of Royle (2004)
Fit spatial hierarchical distance sampling model.
Fit the open N-mixture models of Dail and Madsen and extensions
Compute multinomial cell probabilities
Plot marginal effects of covariates in unmarked models
Draw samples from the posterior predictive distribution
Conduct a power analysis for an unmarked model
Methods for Function predict in Package `unmarked'
Extract estimates of random effect terms
Methods for Function ranef
in Package unmarked
Methods for Function SE in Package `unmarked'
Launch a Shiny app to help with power analysis
Convert sight distance and sight angle to perpendicular distance.
Extract estimates of random effect standard deviations
Methods for Function simulate in Package `unmarked'
Compute Sum of Squared Residuals for a Model Fit.
Models for Data from Unmarked Animals
Class "unmarkedEstimate"
Class "unmarkedEstimateList"
Class "unmarkedFit"
Class "unmarkedFitList"
Class "unmarkedFrame"
Create an unmarkedFrame, or one of its child classes.
Organize data for the distance sampling model of Royle et al. (2004) f...
Create an object of class unmarkedFrameDSO that contains data used by ...
Organize data for the combined distance and removal point-count model ...
Create an object of class unmarkedFrameMMO that contains data used by ...
Organize data for the multinomial-Poisson mixture model of Royle (2004...
Organize data for the single season occupancy models fit by occu and o...
Organize data for the occupancy model using count data fit by `occuCOP...
Organize data for the single season occupancy models fit by occuFP
Organize data for the multi-state occupancy model fit by occuMS
Organize data for the multispecies occupancy model fit by occuMulti
Create an unmarkedFrameOccuTTD object for the time-to-detection model ...
Create an object of class unmarkedFramePCO that contains data used by ...
Organize data for the N-mixture model fit by pcount
Create an unmarkedMultFrame, unmarkedFrameGMM, unmarkedFrameGDS, or un...
Methods for unmarkedPower objects
Summarize a series of unmarked power analyses
Class "unmarkedRanef"
Methods for Function vcov in Package `unmarked'
Compute Variance Inflation Factors for an unmarkedFit Object.
Fits hierarchical models of animal abundance and occurrence to data collected using survey methods such as point counts, site occupancy sampling, distance sampling, removal sampling, and double observer sampling. Parameters governing the state and observation processes can be modeled as functions of covariates. References: Kellner et al. (2023) <doi:10.1111/2041-210X.14123>, Fiske and Chandler (2011) <doi:10.18637/jss.v043.i10>.
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