Create Visual Predictive Checks
Add noise / residual error to data
Add sim index number
Adds stratification to data set
Calculate appropriate bin separators for vpc
Function to bin data based on a vector of bin separators, e.g. for use...
Check whether stratification columns are available
Compute Kaplan-Meier statistics
Compute KMMC statistics
Create new vpc theme
Define data column defaults for various softwares
Draw parameters from multivariate distribution
Calculate percentiles below / above lloq / uloq
Create a customized VPC theme
Simulate PK data from a 1-compartment iv model
Simulate PK data from a 1-compartment oral model
VPC plotting function
Calculate quantiles respecting the censored data
NONMEM output table import function
Replace list elements by name
Defaults for show argument
Defaults for show argument for TTE VPC
Simulate data based on a model and parameter distributions
Empty ggplot2 theme
A nicer default theme for ggplot2
Lower to full triangle
VPC package
VPC function
VPC function for categorical
VPC function for left- or right-censored data (e.g. BLOQ data)
VPC function for time-to-event (survival) data
Visual predictive checks are a commonly used diagnostic plot in pharmacometrics, showing how certain statistics (percentiles) for observed data compare to those same statistics for data simulated from a model. The package can generate VPCs for continuous, categorical, censored, and (repeated) time-to-event data.