Diagnostics for Pharmacometric Models
Add faceting variable
Set new default value for ggplot2 aesthetics
Convenience function to easily filter ggplot2 aesthetics
Convenience function to easily rename ggplot2 aesthetics
Get all data problems
Get all file problems
Compartment kinetics
Append suffix contained in the xp_theme
to titles
Time converter
Convert an object to nm_table_list
Convert an object to xpose_data
Convert an object to xpose_plot
Convert an object to xpose_theme
Check plot type
Check .problem, .subprob and .method
Check quoted variables
Check plot scales
Check xpdb
Combine tables
Create options for data import
Get the default data problem to be plotted
Distribution plots of ETA and parameters
Return names of columns having several unique values
Observations plotted against model predictions
Master xpdb editing function
Fetch data
Generate clean file paths
Subset an xp_theme
Access model code
Access model output table data
Get file extension
Access model output file data
Access model parameters
Generate default transformation formulas for parameters
Access special model data
Access model summary data
An additional set of themes for ggplot2
Grab parameter for a given iteration number
Observations, individual predictions and population predictions plotte...
Index table columns
Add simulation counter
Test for formula class
Test for nm_model class
Test for nm_table_list class
Test for xpose_data class
Test for xpose_plot class
Test for xpose_theme class
Get last data problem
Get last file estimation method
Get last file problem
Get last file subproblem
List NONMEM output tables
Creates an nm_table_list from manually defined table name patterns
List available variables
List available datasets
Generate extension string
Manually define nonmem tables to be imported
Merge firstonly table with full length tables
Parameter value or gradient vs. iterations
Add, remove or rename variables in an xpdb
Message function
Create functions for data deduplication
Create functions to drop non observation records
Parse arguments from xpose to ggplot2 format
Parse NONMEM output files
Parse keywords in string based on values contained in an xpdb
Observations and model predictions plotted against the independent var...
Import print ggplot method
Print an xpose_data object
Draw an xpose_plot object
Display a parameter estimates to the console
QQ plots of ETA and residuals
Convert raw strings to tibble
Define data import arguments
Define data import functions
NONMEM output file import function
NONMEM model file parser
NONMEM output table import function
Objects exported from other packages
Reorder factors by numerical order
Residuals plotted against the independent variable
Residuals plotted against population predictions
Set variable type, label or units
Get software from the xpdb
Subset datasets in an xpdb
Group/ungroup and summarize variables in an xpdb
Summarizing xpose_data
Template titles
Check tidyr version
Mean and variance of tranformed parameters
Update xpose_geoms
Update file extension
Create xpose theme
Visual predictive checks
Visual predictive checks data
Generate a list of options for VPC data generation
Generic ggplot2 layer for xpose_plots
ggplot2 layer call
A set of xpose themes
Access xpdb index information for a given variable or variable type
Update data index
Default xpose distribution plot function
Default xpose QQ plot function
Default xpose scatter plot function
xpose: graphical diagnostics for pharmacometric models
Import NONMEM output into R
Generic panel function for xpose_plots
Save xpose plot
Diagnostics for non-linear mixed-effects (population) models from 'NONMEM' <https://www.iconplc.com/solutions/technologies/nonmem/>. 'xpose' facilitates data import, creation of numerical run summary and provide 'ggplot2'-based graphics for data exploration and model diagnostics.
Useful links