Simulate Admixture of Genomes
Creates a module to start simulations tracking local ancestry
Calculate allele frequencies
Calculates the ld between two alleles
collect the full distribution of junctions in the population
Calculate FST
Calculate heterozygosity
Calculate linkage disequilibrium statistics This function calculates t...
Calculate allele frequencies at a specific marker location
combine sequence data that was previously read from file into a popula...
function to generate artificial genomeadmixr_data
function to simulate creation of an isofemale line
Simulate Admixture of Genomes
Create isofemale
Create isofemale
Load a population from file
Function to manage settings associated with migration
function to convert plink style (ped/map) data to genome_admixr_data
plot the genome of an individual
plots a chromosome
Plot the change in frequency between the start and end of a simulation
plot the distribution of junctions
Plot the frequencies of all ancestors along the genome.
make a joy plot of the distribution of allele frequencies within a reg...
Plot the frequencies of all ancestors over time
Plot both the starting frequencies and the final frequencies in one pl...
print an individual to the console
print an individual to the console
print a population object
read sequence data from file to be used in simulation
Save a population to file
create sequence module
Individual based simulation of the breakdown of contiguous ancestry bl...
Individual based simulation of the breakdown of contiguous ancestry bl...
Individual based simulation of the breakdown of contiguous ancestry bl...
Individual based simulation of the breakdown of contiguous ancestry bl...
Individual based simulation of the breakdown of contiguous ancestry bl...
function to convert ped/map data to genome_admixr_data
function to convert a vcfR object to genome_admixr_data
function to write simulation output as PLINK style data
Individual-based simulations forward in time, simulating how patterns in ancestry along the genome change after admixture. Full description can be found in Janzen (2021) <doi:10.1111/2041-210X.13612>.
Useful links