Design and Analysis of Dose-Finding Studies
Beta model
Biometrics Dose Response data
Calculate critical value for multiple contrast test
Emax model
Exponential (power) model
Calculate location and scale parameters for candidate set of models
Simulate dose-response data
Calculate location and scale parameters
Calculate guesstimates based on prior knowledge
Irritable Bowel Syndrome Dose Response data
Linear Model
Linear in log dose Model
Logistic Model
Sensitivity analysis for misspecification of standardized model parame...
Internal MCPMod functions
Design and Analysis of Dose-Finding Studies
Perform MCPMod analysis of a data set
Calculate mean vectors for a given candidate set
Control options for pmvt and qmvt functions
Calculate planning quantities for MCPMod
Plot method for fullMod objects
Plot method for LP objects
Plot MCPMod model fits
Plotting a planMM object
Plot method for powerMM objects
Plot candidate models
Calculate the power for the multiple contrast test
Calculate power for different sample sizes
Quadratic model
Sample size calculations for MCPMod
Sigmoid Emax Model
Implements a methodology for the design and analysis of dose-response studies that combines aspects of multiple comparison procedures and modeling approaches (Bretz, Pinheiro and Branson, 2005, Biometrics 61, 738-748, <doi: 10.1111/j.1541-0420.2005.00344.x>). The package provides tools for the analysis of dose finding trials as well as a variety of tools necessary to plan a trial to be conducted with the MCP-Mod methodology. Please note: The 'MCPMod' package will not be further developed, all future development of the MCP-Mod methodology will be done in the 'DoseFinding' R-package.