Crosstables for Descriptive Analyses
Batch set variable labels
Turns a crosstable
object into a formatted flextable
Converts a crosstable
object into a formatted gt
Converts a crosstable
object into a formatted, savable openxlsx
Adds a standard footnote explaining the abbreviations used in a crosst...
Add a crosstable to an officer
Alternative to officer::body_add_gg()
which uses ggplot
Alternative to officer::body_add_img()
which adds a units
Add a legend to a table or a figure
Add a list to an officer
Add a new paragraph with default style
Add a list of tables
Add a section with a table and its legend
Add a title to an officer
Replace text on several bookmarks at once
Cleans names of a dataframe while retaining old names as labels
Confidence interval of a numeric vector
Summarize a numeric vector
Default arguments for calculating and displaying effects in `crosstabl...
Options for the package crosstable
See which crosstable
option is currently set.
Reset all crosstable
Default arguments for calculating and displaying tests in `crosstable(...
crosstable: Crosstables for Descriptive Analyses
Easily describe datasets
Generic function to compact a table (publication formatting)
Default function to display the effect
Default function to display a test result
List Word bookmarks, including the ones in header and footer
Effect measure for association between one continuous and one categori...
Effect measure for association between one censored variable and one c...
Effect measure for association between two categorical variables
Format numbers with the exact same number of decimals, including trail...
Generate a macro file for autofitting
Get label if wanted and available, or default (name) otherwise
Percent pattern helper
Import labels
Test if an object is a crosstable
Return the number of non NA observations
Return the number of NA observations
Remove missing values
Open a crosstable
in a temporary document
Pivot a crosstable
Format p values (alternative to format.pval()
Objects exported from other packages
Remove all label attributes.
Rename every column of a dataframe with its label
Set the "label" attribute of an object
Summary functions
test for correlation coefficients
test for mean comparison
Test for linear trend across ordered factor with contrasts
test for survival comparison
test for contingency table
Transpose a crosstable
Alternative to default officer
print() function. Write the file and ...
Create descriptive tables for continuous and categorical variables. Apply summary statistics and counting function, with or without a grouping variable, and create beautiful reports using 'rmarkdown' or 'officer'. You can also compute effect sizes and statistical tests if needed.
Useful links