Kernel Smoothing
Linear binning for multivariate data
Contour functions
Biased cross-validation (BCV) bandwidth matrix selector for bivariate ...
Histogram density estimate
Least-squares cross-validation (LSCV) bandwidth matrix selector for mu...
Normal mixture bandwidth
Normal scale bandwidth
Plug-in bandwidth selector
Smoothed cross-validation (SCV) bandwidth selector
Squared error bandwidth matrix selectors for normal mixture densities
Kernel cumulative distribution/survival function estimate
Kernel copula (density) estimate
Kernel discriminant analysis (kernel classification)
Deconvolution kernel density derivative estimate
Kernel density derivative estimate
Kernel density estimate for bounded data
Kernel density based local two-sample comparison test
Kernel density estimate
Kernel density based global two-sample comparison test
Truncated kernel density derivative estimate
Kernel density ridge estimation
Kernel functional estimate
Kernel feature significance
Kernel mean shift clustering
Kernel receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve
Internal functions in the ks library
Kernel support estimate
Normal and t-mixture distributions
Plot for histogram density estimate
Plot for kernel cumulative distribution estimate
Plot for kernel discriminant analysis
Plot for kernel density derivative estimate
Plot for kernel local significant difference regions
Partition plot for kernel density clustering
Plot for kernel density estimate
Plot for kernel feature significance
Plot for kernel receiver operating characteristic curve (ROC) estimate
Plot for 1- to 3-dimensional normal and t-mixture density functions
Pre-sphering and pre-scaling
Derived quantities from kernel density estimates
Vector and vector half operators
Variable kernel density estimate.
Kernel smoothers for univariate and multivariate data, with comprehensive visualisation and bandwidth selection capabilities, including for densities, density derivatives, cumulative distributions, clustering, classification, density ridges, significant modal regions, and two-sample hypothesis tests. Chacon & Duong (2018) <doi:10.1201/9780429485572>.