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Multiple Allocation Model for Actor-Event Networks
Implementation of the Remote Procedure Call Protocol ('XML-RPC')
Insertion/Deletion Dynamics for Transposable Elements
The Picture of Probability
Property-Based Testing
Multivariate Renewal Hawkes Process
Calculate the AQI from Pollutant Concentration
Extract Cell Density and Nearest Distance Based on 'PerkinElmer InForm...
Empirical Likelihood Analysis for the Cox Model and Yang-Prentice (200...
'MatLab'-Style Modeling of Optimization Problems
Truncated Gaussian Regression Models
Multiplicative AR(1) with Seasonal Processes
Interface to 'JSON-stat'
Matrix Profile
Covariance Matrix Tests
Classification Trees with Imprecise Probabilities
Calculate and Visualize the Herfindahl-Hirschman Index
EM Algorithm for Maximum Likelihood Estimation by Non-Precise Informat...
Age-Spatial-Temporal Model
Mixture Model for the Deconvolution of Thermal Decay Curves
Complexity of Short and Coarse-Grained Time Series
'Leanpub' API Interface
Bayesian Analysis Framework for MVN (Mixture) Distribution
Covariance Inference and Decompositions for Tensor Datasets
Separable Gaussian Process Interpolation (Emulation)
Standard Evaluation-Based Multivariate Function Composition
Calculates and Analyzes the Proliferative Index
Example Functional Imaging Data from the Multi-Modal MRI 'Reproducibil...
Empirical Likelihood (EL) for Comparing Two Survival Functions
An Interface for MATLAB using System Calls
Access to Spotify API
Creation and Manipulation of Color Palettes
Solving Quadratic Matrix Equations
'Brandwatch' API to R
Example T1 Structural Data from the Multi-Modal MRI 'Reproducibility' ...
A Wrapper of the 'JavaScript' Library 'agGrid'
Fitting Generalized Linear Models
An Amazing Fast Way to Fit Elastic Net
Stanford 'ATLAS' Search Engine API
Bayesian Genomic Linear Models Applied to GE Genome Selection
High Density Genetic Linkage Mapping using Multidimensional Scaling
Computing Log-Transformed Kernel Density Estimates for Positive Data
Designing Population PDX Studies
Non-Standard ROC Curve Analysis
Forecast Combination Methods
Side Effect Risks in Hospital : Simulation and Estimation
Tools for Archiving, Managing and Sharing R Objects via GitHub
Penalized Matrix-Normal Linear Discriminant Analysis