Methods for Quantitative Magnetic Resonance Imaging ('qMRI')
Estimate mixture parameter in Inversion Recovery MRI experiments mixtu...
Methods to extract information from objects of class "MPMData"
, `"ES...
generate IR MRI example data
Calculate the motion induced signal phase for IR-MRE in biphasic mater...
Estimate noise variance for multicoil MR systems
Obtain quantitative maps from estimated ESTATICS parameters.
Estimate parameters in the ESTATICS model.
Estimate IRMRI parameters
Estimate parameters in Inversion Recovery MRI experiments model for CS...
Estimate parameters in Inversion Recovery MRI experiments mixture mode...
Prepare IRMRI dataset
Read experimental Multi-Parameter Mapping (MPM) data.
Adaptive smoothing of ESTATICS parameters and MPM data
Smooth object generated by function estimateIRsolid
Write maps of ESTATICS parameters in standardized form as NIfTI files.
Write estimated maps in standardized form as NIfTI files.
Implementation of methods for estimation of quantitative maps from Multi-Parameter Mapping (MPM) acquisitions (Weiskopf et al. (2013) <doi:10.3389/fnins.2013.00095>) and analysis of Inversion Recovery MRI data. Usage of the package is described in Polzehl and Tabelow (2023), "Magnetic Resonance Brain Imaging", 2nd Edition, Chapter 6 and 7, Springer, Use R! Series. <doi:10.1007/978-3-031-38949-8>. J. Polzehl and K. Tabelow (2023), "Magnetic Resonance Brain Imaging - Modeling and Data Analysis Using R: Code and Data." <doi:10.20347/WIAS.DATA.6> provides extensive example code and data.