SIMulated Structural Equation Modeling
Find fit indices cutoff for nested model comparison given a priori alp...
Data analysis using the model specification
Provide a comparison of nested models and nonnested models across repl...
Specify matrices for Monte Carlo simulation of structural equation mod...
Create a data distribution object.
Extract parameter estimates from a simulation result
Combine result objects
Find coverage rate of model parameters when simulations have randomly ...
Find power of model parameters when simulations have randomly varying ...
Create data from a set of drawn parameters.
Draw parameters from a SimSem
Shortcut for data analysis template for simulation.
Export data sets for analysis with outside SEM program.
Find a value of independent variables that provides a given value of c...
Find factor intercept from regression coefficient matrix and factor to...
Find factor total means from regression coefficient matrix and factor ...
Find factor residual variances from regression coefficient matrix, fac...
Find factor total covariance from regression coefficient matrix, facto...
Find factor total variances from regression coefficient matrix, factor...
Find indicator intercepts from factor loading matrix, total factor mea...
Find indicator total means from factor loading matrix, total factor me...
Find indicator residual variances from factor loading matrix, total fa...
Find indicator total variances from factor loading matrix, total facto...
Find the appropriate position for freely estimated correlation (or cov...
Find a value of independent variables that provides a given value of p...
Group variables regarding the position in mediation chain
Generate data using SimSem template
Find confidence interval width
Find coverage rate of model parameters
Find fit indices cutoff given a priori alpha level
Find fit indices cutoff for non-nested model comparison given a priori...
Get extra outputs from the result of simulation
Extract the data generation population model underlying a result objec...
Find power of model parameters
Find power in rejecting alternative models based on fit indices criter...
Find power in rejecting nested models based on the differences in fit ...
Find power in rejecting non-nested models based on the differences in ...
Impose MAR, MCAR, planned missingness, or attrition on a data set
Extract information from a simulation result
Find the likelihood ratio (or Bayes factor) based on the bivariate dis...
Specifying the missing template to impose on a dataset
Data generation template and analysis template for simulation.
Build the data generation template and analysis template from the lava...
Test whether all objects are equal
Plot a confidence interval width of a target parameter
Make a plot of confidence interval coverage rates
Plot sampling distributions of fit indices with fit indices cutoffs
Plot sampling distributions of the differences in fit indices between ...
Plot sampling distributions of the differences in fit indices between ...
Plot a distribution of a data distribution object
Visualize the missing proportion when the logistic regression method i...
Plot the population misfit in the result object
Make a power plot of a parameter given varying parameters
Plot sampling distributions of fit indices that visualize power of rej...
Plot power of rejecting a nested model in a nested model comparison by...
Plot power of rejecting a non-nested model based on a difference in fi...
Find the discrepancy value between two means and covariance matrices
Find population misfit by sufficient statistics
Find p-values (1 - percentile) by comparing a single analysis output f...
Find p-values (1 - percentile) for a nested model comparison
Find p-values (1 - percentile) for a non-nested model comparison
Draw values from vector or matrix objects
Set the data generation population model underlying an object
Run a Monte Carlo simulation with a structural equation model.
Class "SimDataDist"
: Data distribution object
Matrix object: Random parameters matrix
Class "SimMissing"
Class "SimResult"
: Simulation Result Object
Class "SimSem"
Vector object: Random parameters vector
Provide a comparison between the characteristics of convergent replica...
Provide summary of model fit across replications
Provide summary of the population misfit and misspecified-parameter va...
Provide summary of parameter estimates and standard error across repli...
Summarize the population model used for data generation underlying a r...
Summary of a seed number
Provide short summary of an object.
Time summary
Provides an easy framework for Monte Carlo simulation in structural equation modeling, which can be used for various purposes, such as such as model fit evaluation, power analysis, or missing data handling and planning.