Mendelian Randomization Package
Generate bootstrap samples for the bootstrapping Fieller's confidence ...
Data on effect of calcium on fasting glucose (correlated variants)
Calculate confidence intervals using the normal distribution
Calculate confidence intervals using the t-distribution
CLR Class
Estimate with Regular Likelihood
Estimate with Regular Likelihood Using Multiple Random Start Points
Standard Error of Estimated Theta
Calculates conditional F-statistic for each risk factor using summariz...
Course data
Produce nicely rounded numbers
DIVW Class
Egger Class
Calculates confidence intervals for the MR-Egger method
Applies method $ to different classes
Heterogeneity-penalized weight function
Generate the list of inverse of covariance matrices used in `MVMR-cML-...
IVW Class
Data on lipid effects on coronary artery disease (uncorrelated variant...
Calculates log-likelihood with uncorrelated variants in two-sample set...
Calculates log-likelihood with correlated variants in two-sample setti...
Calculates log-likelihood with correlation from sample overlap
MaxLik Class
Mode-based estimate (Hartwig) bootstrap function
Mode-based estimate (Hartwig) estimation function
Prior weight function
Mendelian randomization estimation using all methods
Conditional likelihood ratio (CLR) method
Constrained maximum likelihood (cML) method
Contamination mixture method
Debiased inverse-variance weighted method
MR-Egger method
Draw a forest plot of causal estimates
Draw a funnel plot of variant-specific estimates
Heterogeneity-penalized method
Inputting and formatting data for use in causal estimation
Inverse-variance weighted method
MR-Lasso method
Leave-one-out estimates
Maximum-likelihood method
Mode-based method of Hartwig
Median-based method
Multivariable constrained maximum likelihood method
Multivariable MR-Egger method
Multivariable generalized method of moments (GMM) method
Inputting and formatting data for use in causal estimation
Multivariable inverse-variance weighted method
Multivariable inverse-variance weighted method with measurement error
Multivariable MR-Lasso method
Multivariable median-based method
Multivariable principal components generalized method of moments (PC-G...
Univariable principal components generalized method of moments (PC-GMM...
Penalized inverse-variance weighted method
Draw a scatter plot of the genetic associations and/or causal estimate...
MRAll Class
MRcML Class
MRConMix Class
MRHetPen Class
MRInput Class
MRLasso class
MRMVInput Class
Sampling from multivariate normal distribution
Standard error estimate for MVMR-cML-BIC
MVEgger Class
MRMVLasso class
MRMVMedian class
MVMRcML method with Data Perturbation
MVMRcML method with Data Perturbation
Calculates p-values for penalization of weights with second-order weig...
Calculates p-values for penalization of weights
Extract summarized data from PhenoScanner
PIVW Class
Profile likelihood of valid IVs
Calculates p-values for penalization of weights with second-order weig...
Calculates p-values for penalization of weights
Capitalize a word
Applies method values() to different output classes
Weighted median standard error function
Weighted median function
WeightedMedian Class
Encodes several methods for performing Mendelian randomization analyses with summarized data. Summarized data on genetic associations with the exposure and with the outcome can be obtained from large consortia. These data can be used for obtaining causal estimates using instrumental variable methods.