A Pipeline Toolkit for Reproducible Computation at Scale
Show the analysis wildcard used in plan_summaries()
List the available hash algorithms for drake caches.
Row-bind together drake plans
Function build_drake_graph
See the time it took to build each target.
List all the built targets (non-imports) in the cache.
List all the storr
cache namespaces used by drake.
Return the file path where the cache is stored, if applicable.
List targets in both the plan and the cache.
List targets in the cache but not the plan.
List targets in the cache.
Cancel a target mid-build under some condition
Cancel a target mid-build
Check a workflow plan data frame for obvious errors.
Deprecated: clean the main example from drake_example("main")
Clean the mtcars example from drake_example("mtcars")
Invalidate and deregister targets.
Auxiliary storr namespaces
Build a target using the clustermq backend
Turn a script into a function.
Turn an R script file or knitr
/ R Markdown report into a drake
Configure the hash algorithms, etc. of a drake cache.
Show the dataset wildcard used in plan_analyses()
and `plan_summarie...
Run a function in debug mode.
Return the default title for graph visualizations
Return the default long hash algorithm for make()
Default arguments of Makefile parallelism
Default Makefile command
Default parallel backend
Default Makefile recipe command
Return the default short hash algorithm for make()
Default verbosity
States of the dependencies of a target
List the dependencies of a function or command
Find the drake dependencies of a dynamic knitr report target.
Internal function with a drake_config() argument
Find out why a target is out of date.
Internal function with a drake_config() argument
List the dependencies of a target
See the dependencies of a target
Get diagnostic metadata on a target.
Do the prework in the prework
argument to make()
Get a template file for execution on a cluster.
Internal function with a drake_config() argument
Build/process a single target or import.
Generate a flat text log file to represent the state of the cache.
Get the state of the cache.
Get the cache of a drake
List cancelled targets.
Ending of _drake.R for r_make() and friends
Run a single target's command in debug mode.'
List done targets.
Get the environment where drake builds targets
Download the files of an example drake
List the names of all the drake examples.
List failed targets.
Do garbage collection on the drake cache.
Session info of the last call to make()
Internal function with a drake_config() argument
Visualize the workflow with ggraph
Internal function
Prepare the workflow graph for visualization
History and provenance
Write a template file for deploying work to a cluster / job scheduler.
List the available example template files for deploying work to a clus...
Compute the initial pre-build metadata of a target or import.
Show drake's color palette.
Show the code required to produce a given drake
Create a drake plan for the plan
argument of make()
Get the build progress of your targets
Put quotes around each element of a character vector.
List running targets.
Write an example _drake.R
script to the current working directory.
Session info of the last call to make()
Take a strategic subset of a dataset.
Turn valid expressions into character strings.
drake tempfile
Output a random tip about drake.
Remove leading and trailing escaped quotes from character strings.
drake: A pipeline toolkit for reproducible computation at scale.
Use wildcard templating to create a workflow plan data frame from a te...
Deprecated: create replicates of targets.
Deprecated: expose package functions and objects for analysis with dra...
List failed targets.
Declare input files and directories.
Declare output files and directories.
Show a file's encoded representation in the cache
Search up the file system for the nearest drake cache.
Search up the file system for the nearest root path of a drake project...
Task passed to individual futures in the "future"
Gather multiple groupings of targets
Combine targets
The default cache of a drake
Deprecated, get a trace of a dynamic target's value.
Name of the current target
Ignore code
List all the imports in the drake cache.
List the targets in progress
Isolate the side effects of an example.
Dependencies of a knitr report
Declare knitr
source files as dependencies.
Create the nodes data frame used in the legend of the graph visualizat...
Load the main example.
Load the mtcars example.
now has just one hash algorithm per cache.
Internal function with a drake_config() argument
Just process the imports
Just make the targets
Apply make() with a pre-computed config object
Run your project (build the outdated targets).
Default Makefile recipe
Manage the in-memory dependencies of a target.
Create a plan that maps a function to a grid of arguments.
Internal function with a drake_config() argument
Report any import objects required by your drake_plan plan but missing...
Make a new drake
Suppress dependency detection.
Internal function with a drake_config() argument
List the targets that are out of date.
Names of old parallel backends
Specialized wildcard for analyses
Specialized wildcard for summaries
Turn a drake
plan into a plain R script file.
Turn a drake
plan into an R notebook.
Predict parallel computing behavior
Internal function with a drake_config() argument
Predict the elapsed runtime of the next call to make()
for non-staged...
Internal function with a drake_config() argument
Predict the load balancing of the next call to make()
for non-staged ...
Process an imported data object
Get the build progress of your targets
Prune the graph
Launch a drake function in a fresh new R process
Default Makefile recipe wildcard
Read a config object from the cache
Read a workflow graph from the cache
Read the plan from the cache
Read the pseudo-random number generator seed of the project.
Read a trace of a dynamic target.
Read and return a drake target/import from the cache.
Load or create a drake cache
Internal function with a drake_config() argument
List the most upstream recoverable outdated targets.
Reduce multiple groupings of targets
Write commands to reduce several targets down to one.
Objects exported from other packages
Visualize the workflow with ggplot2
using `drake_graph_info...
Render a visualization using the data frames generated by `drake_graph...
Render a Sankey diagram from drake_graph_info()
Deprecated: render a ggraph
representation of your drake p...
Show a workflow graph as text in your terminal window using `drake_gra...
Try to repair a drake cache that is prone to throwing storr
-related ...
Loadd target at cursor into global environment
RStudio addin for r_make()
RStudio addin for r_outdated()
RStudio addin for r_vis_drake_graph()
List running targets.
Internal function with a drake_config() argument
Show a Sankey graph of your drake project.
Shell file for Makefile parallelism
now only uses one hash algorithm per cache.
Show how a target/import was produced.
Deprecated: show a ggraph
representation of your drake pro...
List sub-targets
Storr namespaces for targets
Customize a target in drake_plan()
Internal function with a drake_config() argument
Show a workflow graph as text in your terminal window.
Get the cache at the exact file path specified.
List the targets and imports that are reproducibly tracked.
Transform a plan
Transformations in drake_plan()
Customize the decision rules for rebuilding targets
List the old drake triggers.
Type summary printing
Use drake in a project
Internal function with a drake_config() argument
Show an interactive visual network representation of your drake projec...
Static code analysis
Which targets will clean()
A general-purpose computational engine for data analysis, drake rebuilds intermediate data objects when their dependencies change, and it skips work when the results are already up to date. Not every execution starts from scratch, there is native support for parallel and distributed computing, and completed projects have tangible evidence that they are reproducible. Extensive documentation, from beginner-friendly tutorials to practical examples and more, is available at the reference website <https://docs.ropensci.org/drake/> and the online manual <https://books.ropensci.org/drake/>.
Useful links