R Library for Spatial Data Analysis
convert rgeoda instance to data.frame
Create an instance of geoda-class from either an 'sf' or 'sp' object
spatial weights to matrix
A greedy algorithm to solve the AZP problem
A simulated annealing algorithm to solve the AZP problem
A tabu algorithm to solve the AZP problem
Create an empty weights
Distance-based Spatial Weights
Empirical Bayes(EB) Rate
(For internally use and test only) Distance-based Spatial Weights
(For internally use and test only) K-NN Kernel Spatial Weights
(For internally use and test only) Distance-based Kernel Spatial Weigh...
(For internally use and test only) K-Nearest Neighbors-based Spatial W...
(For internally use and test only) Minimum Distance Threshold for Dist...
(For internally use and test only) Queen Contiguity Spatial Weights
(For internally use and test only) Rook Contiguity Spatial Weights
Create an instance of geoda-class by reading from an ESRI Shapefile da...
'geoda' class
Weights values of the neighbors of one observation
Neighbors of one observation
Isolation/Island in Spatial Weights
(Box) Hinge15 Breaks
(Box) Hinge30 Breaks
Symmetry of Weights Matrix
Join Count Ratio
K-NN Kernel Spatial Weights
Distance-based Kernel Spatial Weights
K-Nearest Neighbors-based Spatial Weights
Bonferroni bound value of local spatial autocorrelation
Get local cluster indicators
Get cluster colors
False Discovery Rate value of local spatial autocorrelation
Get cluster labels
Get numbers of neighbors for all observations
Get pseudo-p values of LISA
Get LISA values
LISA class (Internally Used)
Bivariate Local Join Count Statistics
Bivariate Local Moran Statistics
Local Getis-Ord's G Statistics
Local Geary Statistics
Local Getis-Ord's G* Statistics
Local Join Count Statistics
Local Moran with Empirical Bayes(EB) Rate
Local Moran Statistics
Local Multivariate Geary Statistics
(Multivariate) Colocation Local Join Count Statistics
Multivariate Quantile LISA Statistics
Quantile LISA Statistics
Make Spatial
Maximum Neighbors of Spatial Weights
A greedy algorithm to solve the max-p-region problem
A simulated annealing algorithm to solve the max-p-region problem
A tabu-search algorithm to solve the max-p-region problem
Mean Neighbors of Spatial Weights
Median Neighbors of Spatial Weights
Minimum Distance Threshold for Distance-based Weights
Minimum Neighbors of Spatial Weights
Natural Breaks (Jenks)
Local Neighbor Match Test
Percentile Breaks
Quantile Breaks
Queen Contiguity Spatial Weights
Read a .GAL file
Read a .GWT file
Read a .SWM file
Regionalization with dynamically constrained agglomerative clustering ...
Rook Contiguity Spatial Weights
Save Spatial Weights
Spatially Constrained Hierarchical Clucstering (SCHC)
Set neighbors and weights values of an observation
Set neighbors of an observation
Create an instance of geoda-class from a 'sf' object
Spatial C(K)luster Analysis by Tree Edge Removal
Create an instance of geoda-class from a 'sp' object
Spatial Lag
Spatial Validation
Standard Deviation Breaks
Summary of Spatial Weights
Update meta data of a spatial weights
Weight class (Internally Used)
Sparsity of Spatial Weights
Provides spatial data analysis functionalities including Exploratory Spatial Data Analysis, Spatial Cluster Detection and Clustering Analysis, Regionalization, etc. based on the C++ source code of 'GeoDa', which is an open-source software tool that serves as an introduction to spatial data analysis. The 'GeoDa' software and its documentation are available at <https://geodacenter.github.io>.
Useful links