Item Response Theory and Computer-Based Testing in R
Automated Test Assembly (ATA)
Helper functions of ATA
Simulation of Computerized Adaptive Testing (CAT)
Cronbach's alpha
Estimate 3-parameter-logistic model
Estimate Generalizaed Partial Credit Model
Estimate Graded Response Model
Helper functions of Model Estimation
#' Distribution of Expected Raw Scores
Frequency Counts
Hermite-Gauss Quadrature
3-parameter-logistic model
Generalized Partial Credit Model
Graded Response Model
Computerized Multistage Testing (MST)
Simulation of Multistage Testing
Root Mean Squared Error
Spearman Brown Prophecy
A suite of psychometric analysis tools for research and operation, including: (1) computation of probability, information, and likelihood for the 3PL, GPCM, and GRM; (2) parameter estimation using joint or marginal likelihood estimation method; (3) simulation of computerized adaptive testing using built-in or customized algorithms; (4) assembly and simulation of multistage testing. The full documentation and tutorials are at <>.