General Purpose Interface to 'Elasticsearch'
R Database Interface
Simple Key-Value Database using SQLite
DBI Connector to Presto
R Bindings to 'hiredis'
A Database Management Tool
Data Validation and Organization of Metadata for Local and Remote Tabl...
R Interface to a 'PostGIS' Database
OCI Based Oracle Database Interface for R
Enhances Interaction with 'ODBC' Databases
Amazon Web Services Software Development Kit
'Rcpp' Bindings for 'Redis' using the 'hiredis' Library
Database Interface and MariaDB Driver
Database Interface Class
Provides Access to Databases Through the JDBC Interface
Encapsulated Classes with Reference Semantics
Interface to 'TensorFlow IO'
Interface to 'Greenplum' Database
DBI/RJDBC Interface to H2 Database
Manipulate R Data Frames Using SQL
A R Convenience Layer for CouchDB 2.0
A Grammar of Data Manipulation
A 'dplyr' Back End for Databases
An Interface to Google's 'BigQuery' 'API'
SQLite Interface for R
R Interface for Apache Impala
R Interface to InfluxDB
A Test Environment for Database Requests
Object Pooling
ODBC Database Access
Lightweight Portable Message Queue Using 'SQLite'
Connect to ODBC Compatible Databases (using the DBI Interface)
R Interface to the 'PostgreSQL' Database System
Connecting to Various Database Platforms
Database Interface and 'MySQL' Driver for R
Fast and Simple 'MongoDB' Client for R
Testing DBI Backends
'Amazon Web Services' Database Services
Tools to Work with Microsoft SQL Server Databases via 'RODBC'
Get Data Frame Representations of 'Elasticsearch' Results
C++ Interface to PostgreSQL
DBI Package for the DuckDB Database Management System
Harrell Miscellaneous
A Fast, Easy-to-Use Database Interface
R Interface to Apache Spark